Now that my #psumac workshop is done….time to install ALL of the Apple betas!
I'm going to have to up my #badgelife game at #psumac next year
I did a simple scroller badge with my own custom directional, hue, and brightness animation library - and found myself competing against one badge that gave live air quality results and another that had internet connectivity and could tell you the latest #Mac OS versions and builds available
Only 352 days left. Better start planning.
@talkingmoose I really enjoy the conference and spending time with many colleagues I now consider to be friends. Still, I need some quiet to recharge this weekend. #psumac
I had such an amazing time at #psumac @macadminsconf with all my fellow #macadmins - both old friends and new acquaintances
If I didn't get a chance to meet you in person, hopefully we can remediate that in the future
Representing @ActionRetro while at #PSUMac with my “I ❤️ Ugly Computers” shirt. A few comments so far :)
Hell yeah, PowerBook 2400 at #psumac #macadmins #vintagecomputing
#vintagecomputing #macadmins #psumac
Day one of #psumac in the books and our workshop is DONE! Packed house learning about the macOS security compliance project and then lots of great after session chatting. Now I can just enjoy the rest of the conference!
#macadmins2023 #macadmins #psumac
My fake AD domain for #psumac looks stupidly DUMB but in reality I've seen worse real ones 🤣
It’s always nice to not have to fly for a conference. I don’t have to rush…I’m not getting travel anxiety…I’m chillllll
I’m only nervous/excited about the workshop I’m co-hosting!
See you all soon! #psumac #macadmins
Pretty impressive how the MacAdmins community moved to Mastodon - hadn’t really realized how much had until I saw the #psumac hashtag
Heading out to #psumac this AM. Both excited to see everyone (been way too long) and nervous to present our workshop tomorrow morning. #macadmins
If you're at #psumac @macadminsconf next week with all the other #MacAdmins, it'll be easy to find me 😄
Oh boy, tomorrow I drive 3.5 hours from Philly to State college for PSU #macadmins. Looking forward to seeing a lot of peeps I haven’t seen in many years now!
#macadmins2023 #psumac #macadmins
Anyone going to #psumac have knowledge and equipment to read (or write? total #noob here) an #RFID card? I’d like to learn, might be a good venue to chat about it and try something out. I know something’s there’s some peripheral #maker and #DIY stuff going on.
#psumac #noob #rfid #maker #diy