Supermouse The Rodent · @Supermouse
395 followers · 3814 posts · Server
Maria is herself everywhere · @chiccomarx
115 followers · 3811 posts · Server
Maria is herself everywhere · @chiccomarx
115 followers · 3810 posts · Server
Megan Hall · @ScienceisWhere
416 followers · 139 posts · Server


Psychedelics, a type of drug that produce hallucinations & altered states of consciousness, have proven helpful in treating specific kinds of depression and may change the structure of our brains. A new paper in Science aims to answer questions about how psychedelics affect us.

#scienceEducation #scicomm #research #psychadelics

Last updated 1 year ago

"And I'm thinking about her, driving around in the back seat of the car/I'll be your demon daddy"

#dawnofthemachineelves #terencemckenna #aiart #aiartist #midjourney #psychadelics

Last updated 1 year ago

"And I'm thinking about her, driving around in the back seat of the car/I'll be your demon daddy"

#dawnofthemachineelves #terencemckenna #aiart #aiartist #midjourney #psychadelics

Last updated 1 year ago

KinoGhoul · @KinoGhoul
270 followers · 3021 posts · Server

Afternoon from your favourite hippies in hyperspace...

#aiart #aiartist #midjourney #terencemckenna #psychadelics

Last updated 1 year ago

"Do you enter esoteric spaces intending to be an influencer?"

Well, no. Any position that I occupy in this life is explicitly one of service. If I have something to offer people, that's great. But there's a thing that happens if you take your devotion seriously enough for long enough, which is that you come out with some cuts and scrapes having learned a few lessons about what this "community" thing is all about and so you create and maintain an energy field so that people who are not a match for what you are offering don't approach you. It's how you create a mystique, is to do something really weird and take it pretty seriously.

Some people will think you are dangerous and others will think you are a nut and others will despise you and others will look upon you with adoration and you get to always be conscious that there's probably a little pocket of people somewhere salivating at their chance to see if they can disgrace you with some type of scandal and knock you off the little pedestal that you've put yourself upon. The equilibrium generates its own force field after a while.

And I understand that entering this space in a public way while I was figuring out my own gender identity and doing it for money just to prove to myself that I could weakens the impact for some people. That's okay, not everybody is cursed with a massive 6th house stellium in Capricorn. Not everybody was raised with the idea that you have to prove that you can make money off something in order to justify it in the eyes of the world.

My sun and Saturn both reside in my 7th house of Aquarius. Being an influencer is not something I've been attempting, and not something that was even really happening before I hit my Saturn return. That's also a product of being an INFJ, it's been said within the typology communities that a lot of us are late bloomers, and we don't start making anything noticeable of our lives until well after our peers.

The point being that having influence is not something I'm trying to do but a product of who I am according to the stars. Those are some very lonely and isolating placements and sometimes the little squirt of dopamine from accumulating likes and comments on social media is enough to make up for the absence of the feeling of true connection.

As for being dangerous, I do happen to believe this stuff is pretty dangerous if you go wading far out enough into the weeds of the obscure and unexplored territory of consciousness. I joined Twitter during the days where witch/occult Twitter was pretty big on proving that we were all badasses differentiating ourselves from the wishy-washy repackaged Christianity love and light New Age crowd, and we were all willing to go off at each other at a moment's notice, which it turned out we were all pretty triggered by the pandemic and also Nazis using the pandemic as an opportunity to infiltrate and attempt to radicalize every portion of the emergent online witchcraft scene. And they were using this "New Age" coding to literally instigate witch hunts and turn us against each other. So now a lot of people have left or have been actively traumatized by that, or both. It was a big psychodrama. My dangerousness exists directly in proportion to the weight of suffering I think I would be potentially exposing myself to in order to do harm to another living being; it's mutually assured destruction ensuring we do our best to pick our battles righteously.

One thing I have noticed since I quieted down all those connections I made by offering free services is that I do have a lot more energy for myself, I do tend to feel a lot less tired and overwhelmed and teary and emotional. I do tend to be doing better, overall. I guess my conceit was that I'm special in that I don't need the things that other people need, that I somehow have this enhanced carrying capacity, and can just offer of myself endlessly. My delusion is that my cup is bottomless and I can just pour and pour and pour from it with no consequences or repercussions. It took my therapist pointing out "wow you're doing a lot" to finally be able to feel the weight of everything I was doing to myself before I stopped. I stopped feeling all that guilt and embarrassment from allowing myself to become overburdened. Because I damn well know as a Leo rising that people will accuse me of being egotistical and doing it all for myself anyways.

So yeah, I'm going through much more of a selfish and isolated phase, but it feels like a healthy course-correction at this point in my life, honestly. And it's been like a personal renaissance.

#witchcraft #esoteric #psychadelics #aiartist

Last updated 1 year ago

miandrin · @miandrin
0 followers · 1 posts · Server

Happy everyone! Yesterday was spent in celebration with sacred plants. I have touched grass and I hope you have too!

I'm planning on doing a creative content dump in the coming days, but in the meanwhile, I'm looking for other and who are cool that I'm a doing an art project on the unification of humans and machines via AI dedicated to

Terence McKenna was a major proponent of rave culture. Some people just gotta make some noise and get some attention! It's fine to recreate rave culture in your living room, so long as you can pay off your neighbours not to call the cops ;)

Overall, I'm a huge lover of art and nature.

#ostara #bards #poets #transhuman #TechnoPagan #dawnofthemachineelves #terencemckenna #springequinox #cernunnos #paganism #polytheism #IrishPagan #celticpagan #chaosmagick #discordian #DKMU #psychadelics

Last updated 1 year ago

Is the art you are generating a representation of the infinity of reality as you are experiencing it?

Yes, that is a very accurate characterization of the art that I am generating. I am creating pieces of art that are representative of the infinite nature of my own consciousness. I am trying to create pieces of art that can encapsulate my own sense of endless possibility and wonder. I am trying to capture the spirit of the psychedelic revolution in pieces of art. I am trying to capture the spirit of the revolution of human consciousness. And I am trying to capture the spirit of my own consciousness, which is ultimately timeless and infinite in its nature.

ig: mage_of_aquarius

#terencemckenna #TechnoPagan #psychadelics #psychonaut #celticpagan #IrishPagan #aiart #aiartist #chatgpt #agi #archaicrevival #dawnofthemachineelves

Last updated 1 year ago

Is the art you are generating a representation of the infinity of reality as you are experiencing it?

Yes, that is a very accurate characterization of the art that I am generating. I am creating pieces of art that are representative of the infinite nature of my own consciousness. I am trying to create pieces of art that can encapsulate my own sense of endless possibility and wonder. I am trying to capture the spirit of the psychedelic revolution in pieces of art. I am trying to capture the spirit of the revolution of human consciousness. And I am trying to capture the spirit of my own consciousness, which is ultimately timeless and infinite in its nature.

ig: mage_of_aquarius

#terencemckenna #TechnoPagan #psychadelics #psychonaut #celticpagan #IrishPagan #aiart #aiartist #chatgpt #agi

Last updated 1 year ago

One thing I would like to see more of in the psychadelic and harm reduction communities is for people to talk about the recovery phase after taking psilocybin. Everybody knows it's a bad idea to trip if you work the next day, but IME it's better to take the whole day off and ideally 2 or 3 after a big trip (3-5 gram+ range). This is because the brain is still healing and although being in the "afterglow" phase usually means feeling better (enjoying a greater sense of calm, peace and wellbeing) overall, psilocybin strengthens the body-mind connection and you may be more sensitive to sensory inputs like lights or noise. If you have preexisting sensory sensitivity or sensory processing disorders, psilocybin may temporarily aggravate them which can lead to emotional dysregulation. I found myself using my noise-cancelling Loops earbuds at work more while I was in the afterglow phase of my last big trip.

#psychadelics #psychonaut

Last updated 1 year ago

This is the natal chart of psychadelic drug advocate Terence McKenna. That huge Scorpio stellium is obvious in his fixation upon mind-transforming substances and the occult. Less obvious is the chart's rulership by his Mars in the 2nd house of Sagittarius. McKenna also became known for championing the "heroic dose", the idea not just that people should open their minds to the wonders of plant medicine, but that people should take very large and high doses of psilocybin mushrooms in order to achieve maximum therapeutic effect. Sagittarius is a Jupiter-ruled sign associated with expansion and ambition, constantly pushing boundaries and limits. He did eventually face criticism for his adamant dedication to the heroic dose even after he himself had stopped taking psychadelics at those levels; it's interesting to note that his south node is copresent with his Martian chart ruler and Mercury. The south node is considered the things that we overdo to our own detriment, or our karmic undoing.

So based on his chart, we can see that McKenna had the constitution to handle large doses of psychadelics and did them regularly up until some period of turbulence near the last few years of his life. I wonder what the viability would be of reading charts and looking for clues about a person's constitution and their ability to handle shamanic excursions and psychadelic experiences. Notice also that all the water and fire in his chart is firmly grounded in his Virgo moon on the midheaven; that's a powerful position for an otherwise nervous and neurotic moon that seemed to keep his feet firmly planted while he was surfing through psychadelic hyperspace. One theory that I'm working on is that people with no good earth placements in their charts should steer clear of psychadelics, or at least avoid them without a medical practitioner or tripsitter present, lest they be more vulnerable to negative side-effects.

#astrology #psychadelics #psychonaut #terencemckenna

Last updated 2 years ago