I was recently asked if #Montblanc's #JimiHendrix #Purple is the same #colour #FountainPen #Ink as the #Beatles #PsychedelicPurple.
In addition to the sku numbers on the bottle being different, after doing long #writing sessions with each and comparing my previous swatches, they are slightly #different #colours.
Jimi Hendrix is slightly more on the red/magenta side than Psychedelic Purple, which is still my favourite. It's not nearly as dark as #EnzoFerrari or #Amethyst, thank goodness!
#montblanc #jimihendrix #purple #colour #fountainpen #ink #beatles #psychedelicpurple #writing #different #colours #enzoferrari #amethyst
I was very excited when #Montblanc announced that they had come out with a #new #purple #ink, a week & a half ago.
While #Beatles #PsychedelicPurple is still my clear favourite, #JimiHendrix #PurpleHaze scratches the itch. It's a tinge more on the red side than Psychedelic Purple, but it isn't quite the maroon-purple of #EnzoFerrari.
As a #writer, I really appreciate the #creativity of #writing with different #colours of #inks.
What colours and brands of inks are your favourite?
#newinkday #montblanc #new #purple #ink #beatles #psychedelicpurple #jimihendrix #purplehaze #enzoferrari #writer #creativity #writing #colours #inks