It say's something when even I am surprised that so many of my random thoughts, the last couple weeks, actually turn out to be psychic hits.
Might be that new gemstone I am sleeping next to. Then again it might just be I'm getting old and the spirit realm, of passing time, is expanding and prepping to be ready to suck me into it at the allotted hour.
#PsychicAwareness #SensoryAwareness #RandomThoughts
#psychicawareness #sensoryawareness #randomthoughts #gemstones #spirit
Personally I think it is strange that we supposedly live in the most advanced country on the planet, and 'our leaders’ do not to have what is termed as ‘psychic’ visions - or see disembodied spirits.
If they do, they are not letting on.
The majority of society itself, shuns this sort of awareness.
We allow those that do not comprehend reality, to have so much control over our lives and the future of the country.
It is very peculiar.
As a kid I questioned if it was because we didn’t want to let the other countries, or aliens, know what we actually knew. I sometimes still wonder if that is the answer.
#PsychicAwareness #Visions #Aliens #RaiseTheNarrative #NarrativeOfDiscourse #Discourse
#psychicawareness #visions #aliens #raisethenarrative #narrativeofdiscourse #discourse
Maybe I am wrong in thinking this. But I am not willing to do psychic readings for just anyone. There are some things I do not want to see. As it is while working with clients I attempt to limit what I see and instead facilitate their own abilities of vision and alignment of being for them to have their experiences of their senses. I sometimes joke: "It's none of my business."
#Psyche #PsychicAwareness #Psychic #Empath #Senses #Boundaries #SensoryAwareness
#psyche #psychicawareness #psychic #empath #senses #sensoryawareness #boundaries