Comme avant chaque rentrée j’ai mis à jour mon cours de #Psychoacoustique et #Perception pour @lemansuniv… et surtout les illustrations ! Tout est disponible sur mon site ! Petit aperçu des chapitres ⬇️
@psycholinguistics @cognition @cogsci #psycholinguistique #psycholinguistics #Psychoacoustics #audition
#psychoacoustique #perception #psycholinguistics #audition #psychoLinguistique #psychoacoustics
In this conference paper for #ForumAcousticum #FA2023 we replicate Ahumada's seminal experiment from 1975 on tone-in-noise perception using our own #OpenSource fastACI toolbox (, and we analyze the data obtained by an artificial listener from the (also #OpenSource) Auditory Modeling Toolbox on the task. It's very satisfactory to have a network of interconnected toolboxes working together... And of course all analyses can be reproduced easily using the commands listed in the article. You can even run the experiment on yourself to replicate Ahumada's original results! #replication #OpenCode #Auditory #Psychoacoustics
#opensource #replication #opencode #auditory #psychoacoustics #ForumAcousticum #FA2023
Preparing my #psychoacoustics course for next year, I try to incorporate a maximum number of #cinema references... Movie lovers, I'm seeking recommendations for #films exploring #perception, #hearing, or perceptual #experiments! (Here's a thread of the ideas I have collected so far: #cinemastodon #movies #Filmastodon #FilmSuggestions #movies
#psychoacoustics #hearing #cinemastodon #movies #filmastodon #filmsuggestions #cinema #films #perception #experiments
Ski-hill graph Pedagogy of the Meter and Psychoacoustics in Music Education Design [pdf 7 pages] #psychoacoustics #MusicEducation
#psychoacoustics #musiceducation
I find Wikipedia's article on #psychoacoustics, on what we actually can hear, quite humbling. Old geezers like yours truly may not even hear the full 20Hz – 20kHz range, but only up to 16kHz.
Beyond the musician vs. non-musician dichotomy: A focus on amateur musicians suggests that music learning induces a sequential reconfiguration of perceptual auditory organization #music #psychoacoustics
Perceiving emotions in music: Effects of sound quality, alexithymia, and empathy @PsyArXivBot #psychoacoustics #music #alexithymia
#psychoacoustics #music #alexithymia
#introduction because I may start using this as my main more than my account.
I'm Lina - a #trans #nonbinary #neurodivergent #anarchist early-30s humanoid who enjoys nerdy interests and filthy friends (among others).
Currently working as a #software dev but strongly considering pursuing a PhD in #STS studies or #philosophyOfScience. I almost went for a #neuroscience PhD years ago but got frustrated by the state of the field & academia in general. Now I'm sick of software industry bullshit and thinking "maybe I can beat my head against another wall for a while."
I'm also into everything #sound and #music, and have performed with bands, free improv sets, and for theater productions. Also do some #fieldRecording, #audio software, #musicTheory, #psychoacoustics, etc etc. The weirder the sound, the better.
Lots more ofc, but this is already long. Nice to be here! 😄
#introduction #trans #nonbinary #neurodivergent #anarchist #software #sts #philosophyofscience #neuroscience #sound #music #fieldrecording #audio #musictheory #psychoacoustics
Huh. The PsychoPy "tips" are getting weird...
#psychology #experiment #experimentalpsychology #research #psychopy #psych #psychoacoustics #hearingresearch
#psychology #experiment #experimentalpsychology #research #psychopy #psych #psychoacoustics #hearingresearch
Our new study is about to be submitted! We demonstrate that the effect of a background noise on #SpeechPerception is multifaceted, even in the case of a simple stationary white noise. You can find the #preprint on @biorxivpreprint (, the raw and processed data on #zenodo (, and the #preregistration document on #OSF ( #psycholinguistics #psychoacoustics #psycholinguistique @psycholinguistics
#speechperception #preprint #zenodo #preregistration #osf #psycholinguistics #psychoacoustics #psychoLinguistique
Our new study is about to be submitted! We demonstrate that the effect of a background noise on #SpeechPerception is multifaceted, even in the case of a simple stationary white noise. You can find the #preprint on @biorxivpreprint (, the raw and processed data on #zenodo (, and the #preregistration document on #OSF ( #psycholinguistics #psychoacoustics #psycholinguistique
#zenodo #speechperception #preprint #preregistration #osf #psycholinguistics #psychoacoustics #psychoLinguistique
Our new study is about to be submitted! We demonstrate that the effect of a background noise on #SpeechPerception is multifaceted, even in the case of a simple stationary white noise. You can find the #preprint on (, the raw and processed data on #zenodo (, and the #preregistration document on #OSF ( #psycholinguistics #psychoacoustics #psycholinguistique
#speechperception #preprint #zenodo #preregistration #osf #psycholinguistics #psychoacoustics #psychoLinguistique
Our new study is about to be submitted! We demonstrate that the effect of a background noise on #speechperception is multifaceted, even in the case of a simple stationary white noise. You can find the #preprint on (, the raw and processed data on #zenodo (, and the #preregistration document on #OSF ( #psycholinguistics #psychoacoustics #psycholinguistique
#speechperception #preprint #zenodo #preregistration #osf #psycholinguistics #psychoacoustics #psychoLinguistique
I've published a few papers on #machinelearning and #informatics. I have written on this latter topic as it is related to #terrorism, too. But that is not a major research topic of mine.
Prior to that I published in #psychoacoustics (the study of human #hearing). That was also the topic of my #dissertation.
I have also done a lot of teaching of #math and #stats and computational topics like #python, #rstats, statistical graphics, etc.
#machinelearning #informatics #terrorism #psychoacoustics #hearing #dissertation #math #stats #python #rstats #introduction #introductions
I have released sphstat v1.0, a #python :python: package for spherical #statistics. The package implements functions for descriptive and inferential statistics as well as some modelling functions for vector data on the unit sphere. The package might be useful in a variety of fields such as #astronomy #earthscience #psychoacoustics # #paleomagnetics #signalprocessing and others. You can install it via pip or download/clone the source code from GitHub.
#python #statistics #astronomy #earthscience #psychoacoustics #paleomagnetics #signalprocessing
By way of #introduction, I've been a recording engineer, a music technology specialist, a magazine writer and a digital designer.
I'm writing a book for music lovers, about how we get our music preferences, why our preferences differ, whether we can change them... that sort of thing.
I sing with Crouch End Festival Chorus.
#music #musiccognition #musicperception #culturalstudies #psychoacoustics #neuroaesthetics #neuromusic #musicology #musicpsychology #musicscience #introduction
By way of #introduction, I'm writing a book for music lovers, about how we get our music preferences, why our preferences differ, whether we can change them... that sort of thing.
I've also been a recording engineer, music technology specialist, magazine writer and digital designer. I sing with @TheChoir.
#aesthetics #neuromusicology #music #musiccognition #musicperception #culturalstudies #psychoacoustics #neuroaesthetics #musicology #musicpsychology #musicscience #introduction
Still remember the experience of listening to the first half of this — Barry Truax's Riverrun — at loud volume in a class in university, and having a strong psychological response to it, quite likely the one Truax himself experienced, judging from the title: you feel as though you're being submerged under something vast and heavy. An amazing piece, nothing dated about it. #psychoacoustics #electroacoustic #experimentalmusic
#experimentalmusic #electroacoustic #psychoacoustics
Still remember the experience of listening to the first half of this — Barry Truax's Riverrun — at loud volume in a class in university, and having a strong psychological response to it, quite likely the one Truax himself experienced, judging from the title: you feel as though you're being submerged under something vast and heavy. An amazing piece, nothing dated about it. #psychoacoustics #electroacoustic #experimentalmusic
#experimentalmusic #electroacoustic #psychoacoustics
Still remember the experience of listening to the first half of this — Barry Truax's Riverrun — at loud volume in a class in university, and having a strong psychological response to it, quite likely the one Truax himself experienced, judging from the title: you feel as though you're being submerged under something vast and heavy. An amazing piece, nothing dated about it. #psychoacoustics #electroacoustic #experimentalmusic
#experimentalmusic #electroacoustic #psychoacoustics