PsychoBabble from Outset Media Games
A Mythos-themed, social deduction party game that doesn't require any lying and no one knows who the outsider role is, even the outsider themselves.
#Unboxing #mythos #partygame #psychobabble
I’ve never been in favor of the #nyjets trading for #aaronrodgers Perhaps I remember too well what happened the last time #ganggreen picked up a declining #packers #quarterback. There are differences…we’re less likely to see #sexting allegations, but should prepare for a regular stream of #pseudointellectual #psychobabble amplified through the #ny #media megaphone. Hope it works out though for long-suffering Jets fans.
#nyjets #aaronrodgers #ganggreen #packers #quarterback #sexting #pseudointellectual #psychobabble #ny #media
'Media silence on the politics driving 'one of the biggest medical scandals of the 21st century'
Joanna Hunt
There are a few slightly "difficult" words in this but I think it should be understandable for people who, say, finished high school/secondary education or equivalent. My impression was it gets a bit easier to read as it goes along
#psychobabble @CFS #biopsychosocial #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME
#psychobabble #biopsychosocial #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme
@Ara Bad or unsafe behavior is whatever the adults say it is. Where this generally intersects with #ABA is when that gets down to #compliance. You didn’t do what we wanted or expected so it’s #bad and #unsafe. Because if we call it unsafe then that automatically allows us to do corrective things that are OK because those make you safe, or so their #psychobabble purports. The perpetual delusion engine. #ActuallyAutistic
#aba #compliance #bad #unsafe #psychobabble #actuallyautistic
"In a world full of toxic positivity, be authentic chaos."
#Toxic Positivity
#toxic #sincerityandauthenticity #chaos #freespirit #id #gratuitousadvice #psychobabble