My birthday just so happened to coincide with my monthly broadcast of DJ cypher’s PSYCHOBILLY FAMILY POWER HOUR, so I celebrated with a show built around a lot of my favorites! Included in the show are The Cramps, The Reverend Horton Heat, Tiger Army, The Creepshow, Ghoultown, Nekromantix, Social Distortion, and a bunch of others. I hope you enjoy it!
#psychobilly #psychobillyfamilypowerhour #gothabilly #rockabilly #thecreepshow #Nekromantix #punk #punkrock
#nekromantix #punk #punkrock #psychobilly #psychobillyfamilypowerhour #gothabilly #rockabilly #thecreepshow
Tired of bland holiday music and ready to clear away the cobwebs? The December broadcast of DJ cypher’s PSYCHOBILLY FAMILY POWER HOUR is a high-octane whiskey-fueled romp through rockabilly, psychobilly, and horror punk should appeal to fans of The Cramps, The Creepshow, The Reverend Horton Heat, Tiger Army, The Misfits, and so on.
#psychobilly #psychobillyfamilypowerhour #rockabilly #gothabilly #gothmusic #Thecramps #Leerocker
#thehellfreaks #thebrickbats
#psychobilly #psychobillyfamilypowerhour #rockabilly #gothabilly #gothmusic #thecramps #leerocker #TheHellfreaks #thebrickbats
Tonight's Dark Nation will be a "best of" broadcast, but tune in Tuesday (12/27) for the Psychobilly Family Power Hour and then next Sunday, New Year's Day, I'm pleased to present my "favorite 50"--a three-hour DNR 2022 retrospective. Shows at 9 PM EST on
#darknationradio #psychobillyfamilypowerhour
#psychobilly #gothabilly #horrorpunk #rockabilly #gothmusic #darkwave #postpunk
#darknationradio #psychobillyfamilypowerhour #psychobilly #gothabilly #horrorpunk #rockabilly #gothmusic #darkwave #postpunk
Join me tonight for DJ cypher's Psychobilly Family Power Hour--psychobilly, rockabilly, gothabilly, and horror punk! 9 PM EST Tuesday November 22nd on #Psychobillyfamilypowerhour #Psychobilly #Rockabilly #Gothabilly #Punk #Punkrock #Horrorpunk #Djcypher
#psychobillyfamilypowerhour #psychobilly #rockabilly #gothabilly #punk #punkrock #horrorpunk #djcypher