@tixie Il y a la BD "le #trauma quelle chose étrange" qui fait plutôt un bon boulot sur la #psychoéducation d'une manière générale (et qui évoque le figement, la sidération, la dissociation, etc.)
Recently, I was impressed that someone found a "blueprint for the #psyche".
This is as amazing to me as Yuri Gargarin's search for God in the Earth's lower orbit.
In fact, in #psychoeducation we use models to explain psychical interactions and processes. Much of this is immediately plausible. Like the #brainelevator or the #ABCmodel.
But each model is only a tiny, highly simplified picture of the real, complex world.
#abcmodel #brainelevator #psychoeducation #psyche
One of the fucking first modules in the fucking supplementary online environment for fucking #psychoeducation prominently featured fucking #TheoryOfMind as a model to explain fucking #autism.
In fucking 2022.
I was fucking 52 years old and between my fucking diagnosis and psychoeducation I had read more fucking academic publications about autism than my fucking therapist.
If you are a fucking parent, protect your lovely kid from fucking incompetent health care.
#psychoeducation #theoryofmind #autism #servicetoot