I love this point about how we relate to our #thoughts.
We can’t turn off thoughts like we can turn off a light or close a window. And trying to do so results in a fruitless struggle, one that takes us away from the present moment.
#thoughts #act #psychologicalflexibility
RT @contextconsult@twitter.com
The magic wand question with an ACT twist to help promote:
✨acceptance of experiences
✨defusion from thoughts
✨perspective taking
✨observational distance from internal content
#magicwand #poof #outsideofthebox #psychologicalflexibility #acceptance #defusion #miraclequestion
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/contextconsult/status/1617805676767547394
#miraclequestion #defusion #acceptance #psychologicalflexibility #outsideofthebox #poof #magicwand
Working from home today, to make some real progress on a training design project I'm working on. All about #PsychologicalFlexibility and how to cultivate it.
Avoiding a very chilly commute is just a welcome side effect!
Potential Misfortunes in ‘Making Sense’: A Cross-Sectional Study in People with Chronic Pain https://buff.ly/3XpK5wK
"It appears that there is a distinction between literal coherence and functional coherence. In some situations, it may benefit people with chronic pain to shift focus from efforts to make literal sense of pain and instead to keep the focus on taking effective action even if this does not appear at first to make sense." #Psychology #PsychologicalFlexibility
#psychology #psychologicalflexibility
G’day - I’m a #psychology academic and clinical psychologist at La Trobe University and Northern Health in Melbourne, Australia. I research #PsychologicalFlexibility and process-based therapies, including #acceptanceandcommitmenttherapy and #cbtworks , for #psychosis and #insomnia
Hoping to connect to folk with similar interests!
#psychology #psychologicalflexibility #acceptanceandcommitmenttherapy #cbtworks #psychosis #insomnia