With 2 years left as #editorinchief of the #PsychonomicSociety journal Memory & Cognition, I wanted to share my vision and thoughts on the future of #CognitivePsychology. Read my 2023 editorial here:
#editorinchief #psychonomicsociety #cognitivepsychology
Took a bivalent #booster shot yesterday for the upcoming #PsychonomicSociety #psynom22 meeting next week! Muscle pain & mild/moderate fever all day but not as bad as last time. Sorry to miss #sfn22 this year, but hoping to catch up cog aging and memory on Nov 17-20 in Boston - Registration is free (!) for the Society members and undergrads, and both in person and online!
#sfn22 #psynom22 #psychonomicsociety #booster