When you add #AI to your product in an actually useful way, then #ChatGPT comes along, overhypes it, and now some people disregard the product specifically because it uses AI :D
#PsyLink replaced most traditional signal processing with convolutional neural networks so that as much information as possible from the electromyography (#EMG) signal is still available for the neural network to extract.
#PsyLink works with the bluetooth backend "bleak" now (https://pypi.org/project/bleak), in case you had trouble setting up the previously only available backend BLE_GATT (https://pypi.org/project/BLE-GATT).
Should be more easily portable to windows/mac now too.
What should the perfect #electronics data sheet include?
I wrote extensive data sheets for the two #PsyLink modules. You can find them here:
If there's anything missing, let me know. Hope this helps :)
More and more #PsyLink devices get into the hands of tinkerers and researchers around the world :)
Join us and request your own psylink here:
#electronics #neuralinterface #diy #arduino #ai #machinelearning #EMG #EEG #neuroscience #opensource #science #cyberpunk
#electronics #neuralinterface #psylink #diy #arduino #ai #machinelearning #emg #eeg #neuroscience #opensource #science #cyberpunk
Today's HackChat on Electromyography and #PsyLink was truly 'stimulating'. Many fascinating questions and ideas. Here you can read the transcript:
#PsyLink now has a Matrix chatroom! Come join us, contribute your ideas, follow current developments, and collaborate in experiments :)
#PsyLink Prototype 9 is out now!
Will send this out to a potential collaborator, let's see what improvements we come up with together :)
#electronics #neuralinterface #diy #arduino #ai #machinelearning #EMG #EEG #neuroscience #opensource #science #cyberpunk
#psylink #electronics #neuralinterface #diy #arduino #ai #machinelearning #emg #eeg #neuroscience #opensource #science #cyberpunk
Let's create a future with neural interfaces that are open source, privacy-preserving, non-invasive, and out of reach from surveillance capitalism!
Watch this demo video in 1080p on PeerTube: https://peertube.linuxrocks.online/w/vELMqkNxjVWzxUj1f7eCeX
#electronics #neuralinterface #diy #arduino #ai #machinelearning #EMG #EEG #neuroscience #opensource #science #cyberpunk #psylink
#electronics #neuralinterface #diy #arduino #ai #machinelearning #emg #eeg #neuroscience #opensource #science #cyberpunk #psylink
PsyLink 8 - Open Source Neural Interface
Watch this demo video in 1080p on PeerTube: https://peertube.linuxrocks.online/w/bf5124d7-4d94-46b6-96c9-06fb0de7ee98
#electronics #neuralinterface #diy #arduino #ai #machinelearning #EMG #EEG #neuroscience #opensource #science #cyberpunk #psylink
#electronics #neuralinterface #ai #machinelearning #emg #eeg #diy #arduino #neuroscience #opensource #science #cyberpunk #psylink
#PsyLink Prototype 8 is finally complete, and it feels like quite the nice little beast :)
This electromyography device allows you to control your computer via muscle movements (and you can pretend to shoot lasers with it.)
While this prototype doesn't improve the #EMG signal quality of older prototypes, it has been designed for quick+cheap manufacturing and solid robustness.
#electronics #neuralinterface #diy #arduino #EEG #neuroscience #opensource #science
#psylink #neuralinterface #neuroscience #opensource #emg #electronics #diy #arduino #eeg #science
I quit my job to be able to develop #PsyLink, and the research & development cost me over 1000€ in materials so far.
Invest in a future with privacy-preserving open source neural interfaces now and keep the project alive! :) Any amount helps!
Liberapay: https://liberapay.com/psylink
Dash: XocV8MudehfcoLvCj2xwaCDKx3EDCbeuCf
Ethereum: 0x880C89B745e82230a1CdAe33EfeCf09011C37c89
#electronics #neuralinterface #diy #arduino #EMG #EEG #neuroscience #opensource #science
#psylink #electronics #neuralinterface #diy #arduino #emg #eeg #neuroscience #opensource #science
Sweet. Using a different amplifier chip brings the material cost of #PsyLink down from ~60€ to ~30€ plus #Arduino (~38€) and shipment, without much (any?) impact on signal quality
https://psylink.me/blog/ina155/ #electronics #diy #EMG #neuroscience
#arduino #neuroscience #psylink #electronics #diy #emg
The last piece of the puzzle for the newest #PsyLink prototype is finally designed: The new power module with rubber band attachment points and electrode mounting holes.
The manufactured boards should arrive in a couple of days, can't wait to put it all together \o/
#electronics #neuralinterface #diy #arduino #EMG #EEG #neuroscience #opensource #science
#electronics #neuralinterface #diy #neuroscience #opensource #psylink #arduino #emg #eeg #science
#PsyLink has changed a lot in the last 4 months! Check out the summary:
#electronics #neuralinterface #diy #arduino #EMG #EEG #neuroscience #opensource #science
#diy #emg #eeg #psylink #electronics #neuralinterface #arduino #opensource #neuroscience #science
The #electronics #microchip shortage hit #PsyLink as well, so I had to order some TPS61220 DCKR chips from #Shenzhen #China via AliExpress directly.
These are "Original new, 100% quality" microchips. Let's see how this will play out... :D
If programming was like this... "SupplyChainError: Failed to import matplotlib, please try 深圳plot程序库「100% authentic」 instead."
#electronics #microchip #psylink #shenzhen #china
Sneak preview of the upcoming #PsyLink prototype design:
#psylink #electronics #cyberpunk #neuralinterface #arduino