RT @stworg
My turn at #psynom22 #psynom2022 this afternoon in session on cultural effects on cognition 1:30 onward in Back Bay C. Why are liars considered honest? I’ll provide a possible computational answer led by the amazing @janalasser (who’s on this morning in BB D). @almogsi @lkfazio
If you're around at Psychonomics, feel free check out my poster (#4144) at 11am/12pm about human visual clustering. The future of this project involves determining clustering strategies and a computational model of human clustering. I'd love any feedback about the current poster and the future directions!
My turn at #psynom22 #psynom2022 this afternoon in session on cultural effects on cognition 1:30 onward in Back Bay C. Why are liars considered honest? I’ll provide a possible computational answer led by the amazing @janalasser@twitter.com (who’s on this morning in BB D). @almogsi@twitter.com @lkfazio@twitter.com
If you're around at Psychonomics, feel free check out my poster (#4144) at 11am/12pm about human visual clustering. The future of this project involves determining clustering strategies and a computational model of human clustering. I'd love any feedback about the current poster and the future directions!