God Save Our Children Pt3
As parents, we are not able to see everything, be everywhere, or know what all goes on each day in our children’s lives; but God can. He sees all, knows all and is there with them in every step they take. We can trust that God will take care of our children when they are at school and away from us. Our job as their parents is to have faith that God’s mighty
#save #pt3 #our #god #children #roost
Nether say Never pt 3/3
Around 2010 I also discovered another type of music, online videogame raps. These were highschoolers who wanted to rap about their favourite videogames and upload them on YouTube. Many of them still do it to this day and many of them are very popular. However, the key difference between them and Nether was that the teenagers on YouTube were just that, teenagers. They were just having fun and wasn’t trying to start a career.
Starting a music carrer as an indie artist back in 2010 was and still is very difficult. You can go to all of the gigs you can manage, make the best songs in the world but none of that matters if the right people don’t hear your song. YouTube and the internet in general was still fairly new and I can understand why creating an online presence wasn’t at the top of your to do list.
Nowadays thanks to Spotify and other online platfourms, it’s at least easier to get your music around the world, but getting anyone to hear it. Some might say it’s even harder. Unless you have connections, getting into the music indiestry on pure talent is nearly impossible, so what can you do? Well, even if making it big is impossible, it doesn’t mean you’ll never get a fan.
In the begging of my story I mentioned I found a CD at my highschool. When asked about the CD and even showed a picture they responded that it wasn’t one of theirs. Which meant, someone around my local area heard them, burned their songs to a CD, lost it and I found it and have been enjoying their music ever since becoming a fan of a ghost band.
That’s the takeaway from this story, if you want to do something, even if you don’t succed in the way you’re hoping for. Someone, who you might never meet might find it, and think it is the best thing ever because to me, their music was one of the best I ever heard and I often tried to mimic it when I was creating my own songs in high school.