Not to brag or anything but here are the winnings from the Pokémon team challenge. Insane prizing for a free to enter tournament.
I crushed it the first week then I played maybe the worst I ever have in the second week. Very proud of myself regardless.
[News][TCG] Novo Passe de Batalha PTCGL Global Beta! E mais…
Holas, tudo bem com vocês? Como estão indo nessas jogatinas de TCG Live? Bom, caso ainda não saibam, comecei um compilado que eu to atualizando de tempos em tempos sobre este servidor novo do TCG Live, caso não tenha conferido, clique aqui!
A primeira notícia que quero d
#pokemon #pokemontcg #ptcgl #ptcgo #tcglive #tcgonline
Devastating blow to anyone who plays PTCG online, you either have to move to the buggy half-baked new client or stay on the old one that'll never be updated with new stuff.
I'm truly in awe of how TPCI can make the worst decision possible.
Alter einfach das FÜNFTE MAL!!!! #Pokémon #PokémonTCGO #PokémonTCG #PTCGO #Giratina #SecretRare #GoldRare #LostOrigin #VerlorenerUrsprung
#pokemon #PokemonTCGO #pokemontcg #ptcgo #giratina #secretrare #goldrare #lostorigin #verlorenerursprung
Einfach so gezogen #Pokémon #PokémonTCGO #PokémonTCG #PTCGO #Urshifu #Wulaosu #SingleStrike #fokussierterAngriff
#pokemon #PokemonTCGO #pokemontcg #ptcgo #urshifu #wulaosu #singlestrike #fokussierterangriff
Serena gezogen! #Pokémon #PTCGO #PokémonTCG #PokémonTCGO #PokémonTCGOnline
#pokemon #ptcgo #pokemontcg #PokemonTCGO #pokemontcgonline