People who don't set their status on #Slack, nor disable the app notifications, then complain when we ping them while they're on #PTO #vacations.
First day back at work after two weeks of #PTO - whoa, lots of things happened. Will post something exciting after it happens, fingers crossed, this Friday.
Nearly Half of #US #Workers Don’t Use All Their #PTO Edmonton Oilers SIGN Brandon Sutter To Professional Tryout #BrandonSutter #EdmontonOilers #NHL #Oilers #PacificDivision #PTO #WesternConference
#brandonsutter #edmontonoilers #nhl #oilers #pacificdivision #pto #westernconference
@fkamiah17 @sheepnik I am going to echo the need to save some amount for emergencies, or, for the unexpected self-care days that will come up. We are only half way through the year. I have so far taken a little less than 1/3 of my PTO so far. I have about half of what is left already scheduled for future days off. I still have left the rest in case I get sick, or, I just get to the point where I really need a day off. Hold on to some #PTO for the unexpected, even if you don't carry it over.
So a week ago today I had emergency surgery due to diverticulitis in the small intestine.
While #diverticulitis is not uncommon it almost always occurs in the large intestine or colon where the body can auto-magically surround the problem area and prevent leakage/bursting. Not so in the small. If it pops, it's discharging directly into your abdomen.
Thanks to an amazing surgeon, after major unplanned abdominal surgery I literally just walked up the street to the neighbors, maybe 5-6 houses.
I'm not even taking advil.
Just mind boggling what good #quality #medicine can do. I have good employer #health #insurance, #PTO and am entirely able to cover this.
Why the #FUCK can't we get #UniversalHealthCare in the #US?
#diverticulitis #quality #medicine #health #insurance #pto #fuck #universalhealthcare #US #medicare4all #m4a
The USA is a strange place to me. My job has now agreed an extra day's annual leave for all support staff (so, non-teachers). Which, including bank holidays, means I will now get 40 paid days off per year. The minimum in the UK is 28.
The USA doesn't, federally, have any legally required paid holiday. The average PTO is 10 days. Some states have some mandated PTO. It works out about 5 days in most cases.
Why does the USA hate its workers so much?
It's pretty satisfying to transition from the end of an exceptionally busy week right into PTO. 🌴 #pto
Should unplanned days off, such as those caused by natural disasters, count against #PTO?
My employer during Snowmageddon21 gave me a pass, but my current employer says that Icepocalypse23 counts. 😞
Look, those "all company #shutdown days" sound great and all. There are benefits.
But at many companies, in many countries, employers DEDUCT those days from employee #PTO balances. That's often more than a week of PTO gone.
If you're going to close business for a day you shouldn't be picking employee pockets to do it.
Ideal job to have time to go skiing?
@gord @etnom @tojosan That’s why I advise employer clients to give a larger amount of #PTO and let employees use it for all purposes. Why have separate buckets of paid sick, bereavement, vacation, etc days off? Do you really want the hassle of policing whether it’s *really* one & not the other? Just call it all PTO. Generally the only time they may need to know details is when it may implicate leave under #FMLA #USERRA etc.
#pto #fmla #userra #employmentlaw #ada #law #lawfedi
Remember a few weeks ago when #Microsoft announced they were introducing unlimited paid time off?
Now, they're laying off huge numbers of people.
Yep. #pto #workersrights #burnout
Unlimited Vacation Is a Scam Unless Managers Fight Burnout Culture
Question for people who work at — or especially run — companies with an unlimited PTO policy. What does it mean?
Could I take off every Friday and have a four day work week? Why not?
Could I do that and also take a two month #vacation?
If the answer is that I can as long as my manager agrees and it’s not negatively affecting the team, isn’t the policy that I can take as much #PTO as my manager allows and no more?
I’d appreciate a boost in order to maybe get real answers on this.