Cleopatra Selene II (40 - c. #History #CleopatraSeleneII #PtolemaicDynasty
#ptolemaicdynasty #cleopatraseleneii #History
Arsinoe II (l. #History #ArsinoeIIPhiladelphus #Lysimachus #PtolemaicDynasty
#ptolemaicdynasty #lysimachus #arsinoeiiphiladelphus #History
Alexandria is a port city on the Mediterranean Sea in northern Egypt founded in 331 BCE by Alexander the Great. #History #RomanEgypt #PtolemaicDynasty #Egypt #HistoryFacts
#historyfacts #egypt #ptolemaicdynasty #romanegypt #History
The Lighthouse of Alexandria was built on the island of Pharos outside the harbour of Alexandria, Egypt c. #History #Alexandria #LighthouseofAlexandria #PtolemaicDynasty
#ptolemaicdynasty #lighthouseofalexandria #alexandria #History
Ptolemaic Egypt rapidly established itself as an economic powerhouse of the ancient world at the end of the 4th century BCE. #History #Egypt #Nile #PtolemaicDynasty
#ptolemaicdynasty #nile #egypt #History
Ptolemy II Philadelphus ("The Sibling Loving", r. 282-246 BCE) was the second ruler of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. #History #PtolemaicDynasty #HistoryFacts
#historyfacts #ptolemaicdynasty #History
Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator (The Father-loving God, born 62/61 BCE, died 47 BCE) was pharaoh of Egypt from 51 BCE until his death. #History #CleopatraVII #PtolemaicDynasty #PtolemyXIIITheosPhilopator
#ptolemyxiiitheosphilopator #ptolemaicdynasty #cleopatravii #History
Ptolemaic Egypt rapidly established itself as an economic powerhouse of the ancient world at the end of the 4th century BCE. The wealth of Egypt was owed in large part to the unrivalled fertility of the Nile, which served as the breadbasket of the Ptolemaic Kingdom. Egypt's economy underwent numerous radical changes during the Ptolemaic period, including the introduction of Egypt's first offici... #Egypt #Nile #PtolemaicDynasty
#ptolemaicdynasty #nile #egypt