Two #MRI accidents several years apart, purportedly occurring in the same room at a hospital.
Question for you: How many ‘inconceivable’ accidents need to occur in the same facility before we recognize it as a pattern?
#MRIsafety #ptsafety #radiology
#mri #MRIsafety #ptsafety #radiology
Strong work from an @uhbwNHS picket colleague. Couldn’t have put it better myself. #PayRestoration #DrRetention #PtSafety
RT @SouthWestBMA
Best picket outfit? @TheBMA @BMASevernJDC @dr_emmacoombe #JuniorDoctorsStrike
#PayRestoration #drretention #ptsafety #juniordoctorsstrike
New Hopkins/AHRQ report @ highlights critical new insights into the frequency, distribution, and causes of ED diagnostic error & harms. See the coverage #patientsafety #ptsafety #improvedx
#patientsafety #ptsafety #improvedx
I’ll step down from my #MRIsafety soapbox as soon as people stop doing things like this (and much, much worse)…
#MRI #radiology #patientsafety #ptsafety
#MRIsafety #mri #radiology #PatientSafety #ptsafety
Check out this week’s #PatientSafety research and news updates from the #AHRQ Patient Safety Network:
#patientsafety #ahrq #ptsafety
A pesar de la cuestionable eficacia de la gabapentina para el manejo del dolor, su prescripción simultánea con opioides sigue en aumento en Estados Unidos.
La eficacia de la gabapentina para el dolor está cuestionada, pero sus efectos adversos están bien documentados
(JAMA Intern Med.) Trends in the Concurrent Prescription of Opioids and Gabapentin in the US, 2006 to 2018 Online first #PtSafety
Thank you, Chaundria, for the conversation about #MRIsafety!
#mri #radiology #ptsafety #MRIsafety
A reminder that the reason we don't have meaningful MRI safety requirements at the point of care (federal, state, or accreditation) is that MRI doesn't use ionizing radiation and therefore is 1,000% free from harm (</sarcasm>)
#mri #MRIsafety #ptsafety #radiology
Any #radiology #ptsafety / #patientsafety #biomed #medphys #mri or #MRIsafety people here who want to link up?
#radiology #ptsafety #PatientSafety #biomed #medphys #mri #MRIsafety