Flt: #GAJ804 #WheelsUp #SJC-#PTV
First seen: 2023/08/18 12:35:22
Min Alt: 4275 ft MSL
Min Dist: 0.97 nm
#planefence #adsb - https://planefence.com
#aaf289 #gaj804 #wheelsup #sjc #ptv #planefence #adsb
Flt: #GAJ804 #WheelsUp #SJC-#PTV
First seen: 2023/08/17 20:26:50
Min Alt: 4975 ft MSL
Min Dist: 1.0 nm
#planefence #adsb - https://planefence.com
#aaf289 #gaj804 #wheelsup #sjc #ptv #planefence #adsb
Dais Records offering #BandcampFriday discount of 15% with code XEET. The label covers #coil #PTV #SoiSong #CoH #HEXA #DrewMCDowall #LawrenceEnglish etc
#BandcampFriday #coil #ptv #soisong #coh #hexa #drewmcdowall #lawrenceenglish
Flt: GAJ804 #WheelsUp #SJC-#PTV
First seen: 2023/05/25 12:55:09
Min Alt: 3882 ft AGL
Min Dist: 7.21 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Flt: GAJ804 #WheelsUp #SJC-#PTV
First seen: 2023/03/17 19:14:16
Min Alt: 1568 ft AGL
Min Dist: 1.57 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
#BoTD The singular Genesis Breyer P-Orridge. #TOPY #TG #PTV #PTV3 #Industrial #IndustrialMusic #ThrobbingGristle #PsychickTV #PsychicTV
#botd #topy #tg #ptv #ptv3 #industrial #industrialmusic #throbbinggristle #psychicktv #psychictv
On replacement bus for the road congestion upgrade on the blue line of #metroTrainsMelbourne #PTV 106 days to go
Textron EZ Go Vehicles Have USB Problems: All these vehicles have optional USB charging ports that overheat and ignite adjacent components creating a fire hazard. #textron #ptv #personaltransportationvehicles #ezgo #usb #overheating #fire #recall
#textron #ptv #personaltransportationvehicles #ezgo #usb #overheating #fire #recall
#metroTrainsMelbourne #PTV
Lilydale train stopped at Laburnum. PA just said 25 minutes delay due to a police request.
On Monday my Balgrave train due to arrive at Ringwood Station 6²⁵pm got delayed on the tracks 400 m from platform for 70 minutes...
This morning 10 minutes stuck on Coburg station...
3 in 3 days, will keep a record of it here.
Flt: #GAJ804 #WheelsUp #SJC-#PTV
First seen: 2023/01/05 11:14:57
Min Alt: 4925 ft MSL
Min Dist: 1.91 nm
#planefence #adsb - https://planefence.com
#aaf289 #gaj804 #wheelsup #sjc #ptv #planefence #adsb
Flt: #GAJ804 #WheelsUp #SJC-#PTV
First seen: 2023/01/05 11:14:57
Min Alt: 4925 ft MSL
Min Dist: 1.14 mi
#planefence #adsb - https://planefence.com/medford
#aaf289 #gaj804 #wheelsup #sjc #ptv #planefence #adsb
What would happen if we prohibited food on public transport in #Melbourne ?
#PTV #MTM #metroTrainsMelbourne #PublicTransport
How much cleaner would the busses and trains be? If people secretly ate, we would hide the fact and evidence of it. How much less annoyed would people be if their seats didn't have rubbish unattended? (Which is also already prohibited)
I suspect we would at least hide the fact of eating by taking our rubbish with us
#melbourne #ptv #mtm #metrotrainsmelbourne #publictransport
Aloha @Buddydusty@mastodon.social @Buddydusty@mstdn.social ! So good to see fellow #PostcardToVoters amigas here. ¡Viva las postcardistas! BYOMarkers. 😉@postcards <— please click on this link and follow to get list/notifications of other #PTV posts.
Leyland mini spotted at Melton train station carpark #dots #carsofmastadon #weirdcarmastadon #cars #victoria #australia #ptv #britishleyland
#dots #carsofmastadon #weirdcarmastadon #cars #victoria #australia #ptv #britishleyland
@perkinsy it is certainly a thing #PTV and #MTM need to deal with in #Melbourne
Coming back from Hong Kong back in 2014, the usual wait of FOUR MINUTES in most places from anywhere for a train. A huge contrast to the waits in “the most progressive city in Australia”. Hopefully the urban loop is a game changer
#Introduction #Intro - A bit about me and the stuff I like
Feel free to follow request me if you like the vibe, I'm open for anyone to follow right now but in the future I might make my account more private.
~ About me ~
#Trans #Transgender #Transmasc #Transmasculine #TransMale #TransMan
#Achillean #Gay #MLM #MLNB #Bisexual #Polyamorous #RelationshipAnarchist #RelationshipAnarchy #RA
#Autism #ActuallyAutisitic #ADHD #Neurodivergent #Neurodiversity
#Australia #Australian
~ Animals ~
#Zoology #Zookeeping #Conservation #Cynology #DogTraining #DogBehavior #PositiveReinforcement
~ Politics ~
#Anarchist #Anarchism #QueerAnarchist #QueerAnarchism #EcoAnarchist #EcoAnarchism #Punk
~ Video Games ~
#TheQuarry #ApexLegends #Minecraft #RDR2 #osu
~ TV Shows ~
#Arcane #RoswellNM #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals
~ Music ~
#MyChemicalRomance #MCR #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #RockMusic #PierceTheVeil #PTV
~ Spirituality ~
#Witch #WitchCraft #Tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #Therian #Otherkin #Alterhuman #Therianthropy
~ Other ~
#VultureCulture #MCYT #TTRPG #DnD #VampireTheMasquerade #VTM
#introduction #intro #trans #transgender #transmasc #transmasculine #transmale #transman #achillean #gay #mlm #mlnb #bisexual #polyamorous #relationshipanarchist #relationshipanarchy #ra #autism #actuallyautisitic #adhd #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #australia #australian #zoology #Zookeeping #conservation #Cynology #dogtraining #DogBehavior #positivereinforcement #anarchist #anarchism #QueerAnarchist #queeranarchism #ecoanarchist #ecoanarchism #punk #TheQuarry #apexlegends #minecraft #rdr2 #osu #arcane #roswellnm #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals #mychemicalromance #mcr #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #rockmusic #PierceTheVeil #ptv #witch #witchcraft #tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #therian #otherkin #alterhuman #Therianthropy #vultureculture #mcyt #ttrpg #dnd #vampirethemasquerade #vtm
#Introduction #Intro - A bit about me and the stuff I like
Feel free to follow request me if you like the vibe, I'm open for anyone to follow right now but in the future I might make my account more private.
~ About me ~
#Trans #Transgender #Transmasc #Transmasculine #TransMale #TransMan
#Achillean #Gay #MLM #MLNB #Bisexual #Polyamorous #RelationshipAnarchist #RelationshipAnarchy #RA
#Autism #ActuallyAutisitic #ADHD #Neurodivergent #Neurodiversity
#Australia #Australian
~ Animals ~
#Zoology #Zookeeping #Conservation #Cynology #DogTraining #DogBehavior #PositiveReinforcement
~ Politics ~
#Anarchist #Anarchism #QueerAnarchist #QueerAnarchism #EcoAnarchist #EcoAnarchism #Punk
~ Video Games ~
#TheQuarry #ApexLegends #Minecraft #RDR2 #osu
~ TV Shows ~
#Arcane #RoswellNM #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals
~ Music ~
#MyChemicalRomance #MCR #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #RockMusic #PierceTheVeil #PTV
~ Spirituality ~
#Witch #WitchCraft #Tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #Therian #Otherkin #Alterhuman #Therianthropy
~ Other ~
#VultureCulture #MCYT
#introduction #intro #trans #transgender #transmasc #transmasculine #transmale #transman #achillean #gay #mlm #mlnb #bisexual #polyamorous #relationshipanarchist #relationshipanarchy #ra #autism #actuallyautisitic #adhd #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #australia #australian #zoology #Zookeeping #conservation #Cynology #dogtraining #DogBehavior #positivereinforcement #anarchist #anarchism #QueerAnarchist #queeranarchism #ecoanarchist #ecoanarchism #punk #TheQuarry #apexlegends #minecraft #rdr2 #osu #arcane #roswellnm #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals #mychemicalromance #mcr #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #rockmusic #PierceTheVeil #ptv #witch #witchcraft #tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #therian #otherkin #alterhuman #Therianthropy #vultureculture #mcyt
#Introduction #Intro - A bit about me and the stuff I like(indefinite WIP)
Feel free to follow request me if you like the vibe, I'm open for anyone to follow right now but in the future I might make my account more private.
~ About me ~
#Trans #Transgender #Transmasc #Transmasculine #TransMale #TransMan
#Achillean #Gay #MLM #MLNB #Bisexual #Polyamorous #RelationshipAnarchist #RelationshipAnarchy #RA
#Autism #ActuallyAutisitic #ADHD #Neurodivergent #Neurodiversity
~ Animals ~
#Zoology #Zookeeping #Conservation #Cynology #DogTraining #DogBehavior #PositiveReinforcement
~ Politics ~
#Anarchist #Anarchism #QueerAnarchist #QueerAnarchism #EcoAnarchist #EcoAnarchism #Punk
~ Video Games ~
#TheQuarry #ApexLegends #Minecraft #RDR2 #osu
~ TV Shows ~
#Arcane #RoswellNM #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals
~ Music ~
#MyChemicalRomance #MCR #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #RockMusic #PierceTheVeil #PTV
~ Spirituality ~
#Witch #WitchCraft #Tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #Therian #Otherkin #Alterhuman #Therianthropy
~ Other ~
#VultureCulture #MCYT
#introduction #intro #trans #transgender #transmasc #transmasculine #transmale #transman #achillean #gay #mlm #mlnb #bisexual #polyamorous #relationshipanarchist #relationshipanarchy #ra #autism #actuallyautisitic #adhd #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #zoology #Zookeeping #conservation #Cynology #dogtraining #DogBehavior #positivereinforcement #anarchist #anarchism #QueerAnarchist #queeranarchism #ecoanarchist #ecoanarchism #punk #TheQuarry #apexlegends #minecraft #rdr2 #osu #arcane #roswellnm #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals #mychemicalromance #mcr #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #rockmusic #PierceTheVeil #ptv #witch #witchcraft #tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #therian #otherkin #alterhuman #Therianthropy #vultureculture #mcyt
RT de Basil :
The joy of not being sold anything #SubvertTheCity #Melbourne #WordOnTheStreet #ptv
#melbourne #wordonthestreet #subvertthecity #ptv