Once finalized, the Public Art Master Plan will guide the City’s efforts to support public art, aiming to ensure that it is meaningfully integrated into the community. Karin K. Jensen reports on the Plan's progress, details, and next steps.
#art #plan #alameda #PublicArt #PublicArtFund #PublicArtCommission #CommunityDevelopment
#art #plan #alameda #publicArt #publicartfund #publicartcommission #communitydevelopment
Make your voice heard at the Tuesday May 23 meeting which will shape the Public Art Master Plan in Alameda. The Plan is designed to be a comprehensive guide for the City in its efforts to promote and support public art.
#art #alameda #PublicArt #CityOfAlameda #PublicArtCommission #PublicArtMasterPlan
#art #alameda #publicArt #cityofalameda #publicartcommission #publicartmasterplan
Alameda has launched a new website to showcase the city's impressive collection of public art, including an interactive map that allows users to explore public art installations throughout the city.
#Art #Alameda #PublicArt #NormanMoore #ZacharyCoffin #MauriceRamirez #RosellaScapini #JeanSweeneyPark #JefferyLaudenslager #PublicArtCommission
#art #alameda #publicArt #normanmoore #zacharycoffin #mauriceramirez #rosellascapini #jeansweeneypark #jefferylaudenslager #publicartcommission