@maddiefuzz @dsoft @brewsterkahle that's why #cooperatives are a better option than #public corporations.
Whereas public companies are usually obligated to increase "shareholder value" and "maximize profit by all means legal" [as is legally REQUIRED for them in Germany], cooperatives are bound to their bylaws and regulation that will often require "sustainability" and "acting in the interest of it's members" [also as per regulation in Germany]...
Thus #Cooperative > #PublicCompany.
#publiccompany #cooperative #public #cooperatives
Microstrategy Buys 301 Bitcoin, Public Company Now Holds 130,000 BTC
#microstrategycryptocurrency #Microstrategy’sBTCstash #michaelsaylorbitcoin #microstrategybitcoin #microstrategycrypto #BTCBalanceSheets #michaelsaylorbtc #microstrategybtc #PrivateCompanies #michaelsaylor #microstrategy #publiccompany #Bitcoin(BTC) #CryptoRand #Treasuries #block.one #MtGox #News
#microstrategycryptocurrency #microstrategy #michaelsaylorbitcoin #microstrategybitcoin #microstrategycrypto #BTCBalanceSheets #michaelsaylorbtc #microstrategybtc #PrivateCompanies #MichaelSaylor #publiccompany #bitcoin #CryptoRand #Treasuries #block #MtGox #news