Danke, Google... I guess?
"Ich hatte Level 9. Von einem Tag auf den anderen waren ALLE meine Rezensionen „unangemessen“. Etliche davon 5 Sterne, ohne Text, für POIs wie Wanderparkplätze oder Klippen, bei denen sicherlich kein Eigentümer reingefunkt hat. KI went crazy.
Ich habe mir dann die Zeit genommen, ALLES zu löschen, und arbeite jetzt lieber für OpenStreetMap."
Kontext: https://stadt-bremerhaven.de/google-maps-viele-rezensenten-derzeit-veraergert/
Blow-Me-Down Brook, NH – An NHD Flowline Picked ‘Randomly’
http://npshistory.com/brochures/saga/blow-me-down-na-1981.pdf <-- 1981 NPS guide
https://www.usgs.gov/3d-hydrography-program <-- USGS’s 3DHP home page
I am working on some hydroaddressing / network traversing technical approaches for 3DHP – and needed an example of a multisegment flowline in NHD-sourced dataset, and so ‘randomly’ got this one - Blow-Me-Down, NH, from WBD HUC4-0108.
Although we map so many flowlines (~20 million in the USA for NHD-sourced spatial data, estimated 10x that for the EDH data still to be determined across the USA), I like trying to understand what a flowline or waterbody ‘is’ to the people on the ground as much as I can...
#GIS #spatial #mapping #networktraversing #3DHP #NHD #WBD #water #hydrology #USGS #mapping #USA #elevationderivedhydrography #EDH #3denabled #3dmapping #3dmodeling #3dep #elevation #opendata #nationally #waterresources #appliedscience #newhampshire #watermanagement #watermanagement #alldataisspatial #publicdata
#gis #spatial #mapping #networktraversing #3dhp #nhd #wbd #water #hydrology #usgs #USA #elevationderivedhydrography #3denabled #3dmapping #3dmodeling #3dep #elevation #opendata #nationally #waterresources #appliedscience #newhampshire #watermanagement #alldataisspatial #publicdata #edh
Sometimes you just need to do - well at least I need to do - #systemsdesign in the old school way...
#GIS #spatial #mapping #opendata #3DHP #research #development #water #hydrology #design #PostgreSQL #PostGIS #datadelivery #publicdata
#systemsdesign #gis #spatial #mapping #opendata #3dhp #research #development #water #hydrology #Design #PostgreSQL #postgis #datadelivery #publicdata
@tursiops Merci mais ça n'existe que sur Android, apparement, et je suis du côté obscur du mobile.
Bon, j'ai trouvé le logiciel Go Map!!. En plus, celui-ci utilise apparement les cartes de SwissTopo...Top!
D'ailleurs, à ce propos, https://map.geo.admin.ch est tellement génial 😍 C'est un service sacrement perfectionné pour dire que c'est accessible par tout le monde. La quantité de données disponibles est effarante.
#publicdata #mapping #openstreetmap
National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) - USGS National Map Downloadable Data Collection
https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/national-hydrography-dataset-nhd-usgs-national-map-downloadable-data-collection <-- link to resource and data downloads
https://www.usgs.gov/core-science-systems/ngp/national-hydrography <-- link to open hydrology data, USA
#GIS #spatial #mapping #gischat #water #hydrology #USGS #NHD #NationalHydrographyDataset #publicdata #opendata #spatialdata #data #digital #network #TNM #NGTOC #NGP #geography #USA #CONUS #Alaska #Hawaii #cartography #appliedscience #spatialanalysis #watermanagement #waterresources #waterinfrastructure
#gis #spatial #mapping #gischat #water #hydrology #usgs #nhd #nationalhydrographydataset #publicdata #opendata #spatialdata #data #digital #network #tnm #ngtoc #ngp #geography #USA #conus #alaska #hawaii #cartography #appliedscience #spatialanalysis #watermanagement #waterresources #waterinfrastructure
Maps, Spatial Data And Science – 125+ Years Of Recognised Need
“A Government cannot do any scientific work of more value to the people at large than by causing the construction of proper topographic maps of the country.”
~ John Wesley Powell, second director of the U.S. Geological Survey (1881 – 1894)
The formats, data collection methods, data availability, science and so much more has changed incredibly in the last 125+ years - but this observation is still so very true for the government, industry, non-profits and so much more…
#GIS #spatial #mapping #history #change #maps #science #appliedscience #maps #spatialdata #spatialanalysis #history #data #publicdata #opendata #openaccess #valuetothepublic #topomaps
#gis #spatial #mapping #history #change #Maps #science #appliedscience #spatialdata #spatialanalysis #data #publicdata #opendata #openaccess #valuetothepublic #topomaps #usgs
Google Street View used to gather accurate data on sidewalk conditions and litter in 8,000 New Jersey locations for studying links between environment and health.
#NICHDImpact #Google #GoogleData #PublicData #Litter #Environment #PublicHealth #HealthDisparities
#NICHDimpact #google #googledata #publicdata #litter #environment #publichealth #healthdisparities
Not just ethics but law.
Even just using public data, it's a copyright lawsuit waiting to happen. But dipping into private data must surely create even better opportunities to disassemble such unscrupulous endeavors to the last brick.
It's questionable whether AI is good for society even if used in the ways one can narrowly suggest are good. I think our unemployment levels will skyrocket and we don't have a good enough understanding of the need for UBI.
But the idea of turning such tech to "hacking" raises the threat stakes and brings liability into sharp focus. We need a good strong liability suit, if not a criminal trial, to set the deep pockets makers of these things to pondering why they want to go down this rathole at all.
I think it was generally a bad thing that the DMCA moved toward criminalizing copyright violation. It should have remained a civil matter. It was all about slinging power around. But if there are going to be criminal laws against using works you don't have permission for, this would be a great place to see those teeth exercised for some social good.
#AI #Hacking #Liability #Law #Ethics #Data #PrivateData #PublicData #Privacy #DataMining #Trespassing #BreakingAndEntering #Theft #DataTheft #Society #DMCA
#ai #hacking #liability #law #ethics #data #privatedata #publicdata #privacy #datamining #Trespassing #breakingandentering #theft #datatheft #society #dmca
For those on #reddit you can now #trackelonsjet
For those NOT on Reddit I'll leave this here https://elonjet.live
And the official Mastodon link (thanks to a Comrade) https://mastodon.social/@elonjet
FAA information is public
#elon #jettracker #trackelon #freespeech #elonjettracker #planetracking #publicdata #PissOffElon
#reddit #trackelonsjet #elon #jettracker #trackelon #freespeech #elonjettracker #planetracking #publicdata #pissoffelon
He knows a thing or two about pedos.
#snukmole #leonskum #spacekaren #elonmusk #elonjet #publicdata
#publicdata #elonjet #ElonMusk #SpaceKaren #leonskum #snukmole
😃 #Microsoft and #GitHub are asked to tell how training their #machineLearning model with copylefted code is “fair use”:
❤️ The Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc. participates in the lawsuit against #Copilot. They explain: https://sfconservancy.org/news/2022/nov/04/class-action-lawsuit-filing-copilot/
#extensions #dev #freesoftware #openSource #FLOSS #FOSS #OSS #licensing #forks #forking #governance #dataProtection #dataPrivacy #GithubLawsuit #Copyleft #publicData #openData #artificialIntelligence #softwareDevelopment
#microsoft #github #machinelearning #Copilot #extensions #dev #freesoftware #opensource #floss #foss #oss #licensing #forks #forking #governance #dataprotection #dataprivacy #GithubLawsuit #copyleft #publicdata #opendata #artificialintelligence #softwaredevelopment
Cool, in Lithuania the power grid layout (and information about parcels, other utilities, etc.) are easily accessible online.
So you can figure out why your street has power when the relative's street does not.
Might go for a walk along the red branch later, see if we can spot the problem. Yesterdays thunderstorm had some hefty gusts (as well as lots of rain and a bit of hail), so could be a branch, tree or fallen power pole.
#publicdata #powergrid #lithuania
Trello exposed! Search turns up huge trove of private data - A surprising number of users seem to be setting Trello boards, and their often highly sensitive co... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/01/30/trello-exposed-search-turns-up-huge-trove-of-private-data/ #securitythreats #gmailpasswords #publicboards #exposeddata #craigjones #databreach #publicdata #dataloss #shadowit #privacy #trello
#trello #privacy #shadowit #dataloss #publicdata #databreach #craigjones #exposeddata #publicboards #gmailpasswords #securitythreats
RT @timdavies@twitter.com
.@nesta_uk@twitter.com report on Citizen-led data governance recommends that governments "Apply new ‘data sovereignty’ clauses in public procurement contracts in order to regain democratic control of data produced collectively." https://www.nesta.org.uk/report/common-knowledge-citizen-led-data-governance-better-cities/ #publicdata for the #publicgood
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/timdavies/status/1222851731547213825