Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2752 followers · 8349 posts · Server zirk.us

The interest the UK pays on its is rising, mainly due to around a quarter of all being indie-linked & therefore rising in cost in line with .

You'll note on this (again) the UK is unusual

Whatever else is going on, the inability to find a workable strategy to combat inflation, allows them to continue arguing for fiscal ... so no wonder they are not dong so much about inflation, it serves (again) their small state ideology (by other means).

#publicdebt #gilts #Inflation #tories #austerity

Last updated 1 year ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
667 followers · 34389 posts · Server schleuss.online
Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2522 followers · 7570 posts · Server zirk.us

So why does the Govt. seem to be dragging its heels when thinking about alternative policies to reduce ?

Well the cynical among you might wonder whether a protracted period of inflation might slow a pre-election claim that had reduced the (having allowed it to potentially drop as a proportion of nominal GDP)?

You, might think that, but I couldn't possible comment....

[a nostalgic Francis Urquhart phrase for my older followers there]

#tory #Inflation #RishiSunak #publicdebt

Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
2165 followers · 6578 posts · Server zirk.us

The has an dimension:

across the developing states (& especially low income countries) the cost of borrowing () has been increasing at the very same time that the global market conditions (& associated regulatory environment) have worsened....

As Martin Wolf (FT) is now arguing, it is time for a massive programme of before we see even worse outcomes across the poorer countries of the world!


#Costoflivingcrisis #international #publicdebt #debtrelief #debtjubileenow

Last updated 1 year ago

EURACTIV · @euractiv
2099 followers · 6674 posts · Server masto.ai
EURACTIV Economy · @euractiv_economy
149 followers · 523 posts · Server eupolicy.social
Mikewashere · @Mikewashere
65 followers · 726 posts · Server independent-media.co.uk
Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1905 followers · 4791 posts · Server zirk.us

The has circulated this chart to show that the UK Govt. has plunged into negative net worth; a negative relationship between outstanding & the assets owned by the state.

Seems to me this is a category error; much public debt is about investing in the UK (both tangibly & intangibly) not merely financing state infrastructure, so surely the asset log should include all UK-owned assets not just those owned by the Govt.?

Looks like scare tactics to argue for a small(er) state?

#ons #publicdebt

Last updated 2 years ago

Steve Campbell · @NorCallover
60 followers · 69 posts · Server historians.social

Remember when a whole bunch of threatened to default on the nation's unless they could destroy the ACA?

Uh, yeah.

It's that type of insanity that's scuttling McCarthy's bid for

My favorite part of that drama was Krugman's idea to mind a trillion-dollar coin so as to avoid juvenile debt-ceiling fights.

Sure, it was absurd, he said, but any less absurd than GOP hostage-taking?


#houserepublicans #publicdebt #housespeaker

Last updated 2 years ago

UnionWatch · @watch_union
32117 followers · 16083 posts · Server mastodon.social

Besser kann man nicht kommentieren.
RT @PGolka
German finance minister , known for his grandstanding, moralized fiscal hawkism, advocating for hundreds of billions new to be used not for productive investments but solely for financial market speculation. You really can't make this up. twitter.com/c_lindner/status/1

#lindner #publicdebt

Last updated 2 years ago

UnionWatch · @watch_union
37836 followers · 17134 posts · Server mastodon.social

Besser kann man nicht kommentieren.
RT @PGolka
German finance minister , known for his grandstanding, moralized fiscal hawkism, advocating for hundreds of billions new to be used not for productive investments but solely for financial market speculation. You really can't make this up. twitter.com/c_lindner/status/1

#lindner #publicdebt

Last updated 2 years ago

nikol · @nikol
105 followers · 3364 posts · Server mastodon.bida.im

And as for sustainability, those who think it can be determined by mathematical-probabilistic methods – as, for example, as proposed in a hypothesis elaborated by former IMF chief economist Olivier Blanchard and others – overlook a much more decisive factor, namely how much and by whom the debt can be guaranteed, which depends on formally technical, but in fact political, decisions. Put more clearly, if there is a central bank umbrella, debt-induced instability remains a remote possibility, as Draghi’s now mythical whatever-it-takes should have taught us. Not to mention that any estimation of debt sustainability should be taken with a grain of salt, as the methodology used determines the outcome."



#germany #eu #publicdebt #debt

Last updated 2 years ago