"You have the right to an attorney"--but there may be no public defender to represent you if you can't afford a lawyer of your own; or the public defender may have aspirations to become a prosecutor, or otherwise not give a fuck; or, if they do, may be so overworked as to make no difference. And in some states, it's driving stops/tickets that fund the public defenders, so.
#ACAB #PublicDefense #RightToAnAttorney
#righttoanattorney #publicdefense #acab
Hi to the world of Mastodon 👋
Looking forward to connecting with people around the world about #leftist politics, #publicdefense, as well as the #law and #lawyering more broadly!
I’m a novice #chess player and fan, as well as a retired college #ultimatefrisbee player 🤠
#leftist #publicdefense #law #lawyering #chess #ultimatefrisbee
The Relentless Mental Toll of #PublicDefense
#publicdefender #lawyerup #court
#publicdefense #publicdefender #lawyerup #court
Traditional software development cycles are too slow and costly to benefit defendants who are stuck in jail TODAY.
Here’s a quick automation I built for our Padilla attorney to notify the jail a person is held on an ICE detainer based on insufficient PC (following the reasoning in Gonzalez v. ICE). #publicdefense #a2j #accesstojustice #lawfedi #legaltech
#publicdefense #a2j #accesstojustice #lawfedi #legaltech
@anseljh So thankful for Bexar County recognizing the need! I'm trying to get the word out that there needs to be more of this kind of position in #publicdefense offices all over Texas. We're still so far behind other States (but making up ground fast). I'm a believer that data science will help us lead the way to real progress for #a2j
Courts are closed tomorrow in #Portland due to the weather #PDX #PublicDefense
microscopically minor issue in the #Oregon #PublicDefense crisis, but anyone trying to use an #OPDS hashtag may find themselves suddenly in a situationship of mutual-annoyance with ebook people
- “Office of Public Defense Services”
- “Open Publication Distribution System”
One more for the morning: the Indigent Defense Research Association publication roundup is out today! #LawFedi #LawProfs #publicdefense
#lawfedi #lawprofs #publicdefense
ok it is actually fun to be in a digital space i don't quite understand. how will all this work! i guess we'll find out! but it sure has been a minute. #publicdefender #publicdefendertwitter #lawtwitter #publicdefense
#publicdefense #lawtwitter #publicdefendertwitter #publicdefender
Attempting to find other family defense attorneys on a site full of software devs is an unexpectedly (but perhaps foreseeably) challenging endeavor.
Also I think I'm just...inventing hashtags. That no one else will ever search or use. And are therefore completely useless. Alas.
#Law #Dependencylaw #Lawtwitter #PublicDefense #FamilyDefense #ChildWelfare
#childwelfare #familydefense #publicdefense #lawtwitter #dependencylaw #law
Highlighting one other interesting publication from the Indigent Defense Research Association roundup today, legislative recommendations for California: https://lao.ca.gov/reports/2022/4623/indigent-defense-092222.pdf #publicdefense #research #lawfedi
I've been working in state-level policy reform for close to a decade now, and it's interesting to see how we're just at the ground level with (1) data collection and (2) metric definition. Tons of opportunity for #legaltech folks in a very important area.
#publicdefense #research #lawfedi #legaltech
Very interested in this article, and this workload study: https://www.americanbar.org/groups/criminal_justice/publications/criminal-justice-magazine/2022/summer/aba-sclaid-public-defense-workload-studies-reveal-systems-crisis/ #lawfedi #lawtwitter #publicdefense
#lawfedi #lawtwitter #publicdefense
RT @NMDefenders: The NM Law Offices of the Public Defender wishes our former contract public defenders and fellow NMCLDA members Jimmy McGill and Kim Wexler all the best in their next endeavors. We’ll miss seeing you around downtown in court. @BetterCallSaul #BetterCallSaul #PublicDefense https://t.co/Xq1oxrbPBw https://twitter.com/claystorm/status/1559900082375360517
#bettercallsaul #publicdefense
RT @NLADA@twitter.com
Learn more about post-conviction relief programs carried out by LA Public Defenders >> http://ow.ly/pufQ50ur9Uv
#SafeguardJustice #CJReform #PublicDefense @SCVTV20@twitter.com
#safeguardjustice #cjreform #publicdefense