Rob Manfred arguing that public financing for sports stadiums brings unity to salty baseball fans and urban planners. I’m here for it.
Manfred and MLB absolutely suck. Extracting public money for private profit, especially with their track record, shows the contempt for fans and communities.
I just wish Oakland wasn’t the case study.
#MLB #UrbanPlanning #PublicFinance #Baseball #FisherRat #SellTheTeam
#mlb #urbanplanning #publicfinance #baseball #fisherrat #selltheteam
CA Sri Lanka & APFASL launches Master’s Degree in Public Financial Management – Lanka Business Online
Over all, our graduate public affairs degrees now rank among the top one-fourth of the best universities in the United States, also an improvement of three ranks since last year. We are now nationally ranked #67 in the country.
@Springfield_IL #publicadministration #publicfinance
#publicadministration #publicfinance
Uttalar mig i ETC om regionernas svåra ekonomiska situation och att staten måste reagera. #PublicHealthcare #PublicFinance #Healthcare
#healthcare #publicfinance #publichealthcare
Want to win a signed copy of Financial Management and Accounting in the Public Sector? There's one week left to enter the competition
#publicfinance #PFM
@JanezPotocnik22 @UNEPIRP @DianeSimiu @AnnMettler @lemaitre_eu @riyongkim 'Do we have the #technology we need beyond 2030? Research will have to play a big role there. What about #publicfinance? Have we used it in best way? We should not make bets, locking us in unsustainable solutions. We need to connect with people.' @lemaitre_eu #EUGreenDealEEA
#Technology #publicfinance #EUGreenDealEEA
Want to win a signed copy of Financial Management and Accounting in the Public Sector? Enter the prize draw by 31 March to be in with a chance
#publicfinance #PFM
What was the financial cost & who paid to move large numbers of Indian migrants to Fiji as indentured labour 1884-1916? Careful forensic accounting by Alexander Persaud reveals that employers paid although this was never reported in the Blue Books.
@econhist @devecon @laborecon @economics @ecosocio @sociology #history #histodons #India #Fiji #Pacific #PacificIslands #immigration #immigrant #labour #labor #colonialism #PublicFinance #FiscalCapacity
#fiscalcapacity #publicfinance #colonialism #labor #labour #immigrant #immigration #Pacificislands #pacific #fiji #india #histodons #history
I wrote a list of the five best books about how governments collect and spend taxes. Check it out.
#PFM #publicfinance #tax
Yes, our team has been investigating this issue at the Institute of Government and Public Affairs. The lingering effects from the pandemic, particularly work from home, are a serious concern for solvency of city transit systems.
#transit #publicfinance
If you order the new edition of Financial Management and Accounting in the Public Sector direct from the publisher you can get a 20% discount using the code AFL01 at the checkout. It’s available for pre-order now, and is published on 14 March.
#publicfinance #PFM #newbook
RT @jubileescotland
Check out our latest article with our reaction to the Budget Statement:
#PublicServices over #PrivateProfits!
@ScottishGreens @Thesnp @scottishlabour @ScotTories @scotlibdems @povertyalliance @unisonscot #SAPPP #PPP #OurFutureIsPublic #PublicFinance
#publicfinance #ourfutureispublic #ppp #sappp #privateprofits #publicservices
Perhaps I should introduce myself. I am a #publicfinance accountant in the UK. I write about and teach public financial management. I am also interested in helping accountants to write better about financial matters
Perhaps I should introduce myself. I am a #publicfinance accountant in the UK. I write about and teach public financial management. I am also interested in helping accountants to write better about financial matters #writing #presentation
#presentation #Writing #publicfinance
“residents spent a total of $181 million at curbside patios within 13 weeks of summer in 2021. If those spaces had remained dedicated to parking, only $3.7 million would have been reaped during the same time period.”
#parking #urbanism #economicdevelopment #zoning #urbanplanning #publicfinance #cities #toronto #tor #urbandesign c @TheWarOnCars
#parking #urbanism #economicdevelopment #zoning #urbanplanning #publicfinance #cities #toronto #tor #urbandesign
Indiana ended fiscal year 2022 with a budget surplus of $3.9 BILLION (with a "B"!). This is the largest budget surplus for the state since at least 1976 (which was as far back as I went) by a huge margin and SIX TIMES what the state predicted it would see in 2022.
I would love to see this record surplus lead to record investment in education, healthcare, economic development, social programs and infrastructure.
#Indiana #HoosierMast #PublicFinance #Surplus #BudgetSurplus
#budgetsurplus #surplus #publicfinance #hoosiermast #indiana
The Centre for Tax Law will be holding our sixth Tax Policy Conference on 3-4 July 2023, on the topic of 'Tax law, public finance and the rule of law' ( Please share if you can! #conference #tax #law #ruleoflaw #publicfinance #cambridge
#conference #tax #law #ruleoflaw #publicfinance #Cambridge
The Centre for Tax Law will be holding our sixth Tax Policy Conference on 3-4 July 2023, on the topic of 'Tax law, public finance and the rule of law' ( Please share if you can! #conference #tax #law #ruleoflaw #publicfinance #cambridge
#conference #tax #law #ruleoflaw #publicfinance #Cambridge
Étant donné l’état lamentable des services hospitaliers au #Canada🇨🇦 malgré des #surplus #budgétaires des gouvernements provinciaux, quelle peut être l’explication de la situation?
#santé #health #hôpitaux #hospital #financespubliques #publicfinance #Confédération
#canada #surplus #budgetaires #sante #health #hopitaux #hospital #financespubliques #publicfinance #confederation