Governor suspends right to carry firearms in public in Albuquerque due to gun violence Gun violence was also declared a public health emergency in New Mexico.
#GunViolence #PublicHealthEmergency #Albuquerque #FirearmsBan #NewMexico #Governor #Politics #News
#gunviolence #publichealthemergency #albuquerque #firearmsban #newmexico #governor #politics #news
"It is essential that the international working class understand the continued threat posed by COVID-19 and build a global movement, in unity with scientists and progressive layers of the middle class, fighting for the principles of public health."
#COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #CommuniyTransmission #Pandemic #SeeYouSafer #PublicHealthEmergency #PublicHealthThreat #GlobalHealthThreat
#COVID19 #covid #LongCovid #communiytransmission #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency #publichealththreat #globalhealththreat
Oh, the dangers of cosmetic surgery!
Its effects to our bodies may be varied.
The US and Mexico have both made plans
To ensure no more succumb to this dreaded fungal strain.
A health emergency we must proclaim
To make sure no more souls are harmed.
We'll combat this crisis and stay vigilant
Before it spreads any further and more are lament.
#cosmeticsurgery #fungaloutbreak #publichealthemergency #us #mexico #ode #poetry
#cosmeticsurgery #fungaloutbreak #publichealthemergency #us #mexico #ode #poetry
WHO ends COVID emergency but warns threat is not over - Enlarge / World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreye... - #worldhealthorganization #publichealthemergency #healthemergency #sars-cov-2 #covid-19 #pandemic #science #tedros #pheic #who
#who #pheic #tedros #science #pandemic #covid #sars #healthemergency #publichealthemergency #worldhealthorganization
Ars Technica: WHO ends COVID emergency but warns threat is not over #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #WorldHealthOrganization #publichealthemergency #healthemergency #SARS-CoV-2 #COVID-19 #pandemic #Science #Tedros #PHEIC #WHO
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #WorldHealthOrganization #publichealthemergency #healthemergency #SARS #covid #pandemic #science #tedros #pheic #who
Confirmed cases rise
Measles outbreak declared
No health safe for some
#measles #americansamoa #publichealthemergency #haiku #poetry
#measles #americansamoa #publichealthemergency #haiku #poetry
On COVID safety and access to rapid tests:
I wrote an open letter to my health insurance (a relatively small plan managed by the university where I work) asking that they continue to provide free #RapidTests after the end of the #PublicHealthEmergency
You are invited to use it too (though you'll want to take out some of the institution-specific details).
#COVIDIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne
#rapidtests #publichealthemergency #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #covidsafecampus #diypandemic
"This virus remains unstable — it has not settled into a predictable pattern, which means surveillance systems need to be sensitive to pick up the early signs of another surge." #COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #CommuniyTransmission #Pandemic #SeeYouSafer #PublicHealthEmergency
#COVID19 #covid #LongCovid #communiytransmission #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency
I would also probably be happier about the #TrumpIndictment if the #pandemic #PublicHealthEmergency weren't being ended early. Biden might not be an outright fascist the way that Trump is, but both of these men have blood on their hands for the unnecessary #covid deaths not just in the US but around the world. Both of them bowed to #BigPharma and corporate interests—Biden just does it with a smile while Trump did it with a scowl.
We're on our own, and I hope the #CovidCautious community will find ways to rally together and protect each other. We're all we've ever had, but I'm feeling it more acutely right now.
#CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #Eugenics #EatTheRich #Solidarity
#trumpindictment #pandemic #publichealthemergency #covid #bigpharma #covidcautious #covidisnotover #wearamask #eugenics #eattherich #solidarity
(3/3) Biden administration flips, indicates
will sign the Republican-led effort to end #COVID national emergency "a move that came less than two months after Democrats had opposed the same measure en masse at the administration’s request." #COVID #PublicHealth #PublicHealthEmergency #PHE
#PHE #publichealthemergency #publichealth #COVID
RT @projectn95
Please Join us Tuesday, March 21st!
Register at:
Guests include:
Dr Jennifer Kates @jenkatesdc,
Dr. Theresa Chapple @Theresa_Chapple,
and Joe Agoado @joeagoada.
#PPE #PublicHealth #PublicHealthEmergency #EndofPPE #Medicaid #Vaccines #Telehealth
#ppe #publichealth #publichealthemergency #EndofPPE #medicaid #vaccines #telehealth
RT @projectn95
Please Join us Tuesday, March 21st!
Register at:
Guests include:
Dr Jennifer Kates @jenkatesdc,
Dr. Theresa Chapple @Theresa_Chapple,
and Joe Agoado @joeagoada.
#PPE #PublicHealth #PublicHealthEmergency #EndofPPE #Medicaid #Vaccines #Telehealth
#ppe #publichealth #publichealthemergency #EndofPPE #medicaid #vaccines #telehealth
Me: Everything is beautiful and warm and wonderful! What could ever go wrong?
My tarot cards: The #PublicHealthEmergency is ending in May and #CovidIsNotOver, you ninny! What *couldn't* go wrong?!
Me: Yes, alas, you are right. In that case, I'll savor my moments of joy where I find them.
My tarot cards: Damn right, you will!
#Tarot #Covid #pandemic #sarcasm #Spring #SpringEquinox #Ostara
#publichealthemergency #covidisnotover #tarot #covid #pandemic #sarcasm #spring #springequinox #ostara
"Unwelcome a teacher as may be, the pandemic offers lessons we ignore at our peril, personal and social. Dare we hope we are up for the learning?"
#COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #KeepThePHE #Pandemic #SeeYouSafer #PublicHealthEmergency #Disability #Solidarity #DisabilitySolidarity #PublicHealth #SocialWork
#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #keepthephe #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency #disability #solidarity #disabilitysolidarity #publichealth #socialwork
"On the individual level, some of us now have an enforced opportunity to consider how much of our self-concept is bound up in what we do out there in the world, with the activities we engage in, with the acceptance other people offer us. ‘If not all that, who am I?’ becomes an almost inescapable question. The answer may not be immediately comfortable."
#COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #KeepThePHE #SeeYouSafer #PublicHealthEmergency
#Dharma #Dhamma
#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #keepthephe #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency #dharma #dhamma
"It may be shock for many us to discover that, even in the richest societies the world has known, economic security and physical well-being are so precarious for so many, that a threat can so rapidly arise to menace ways of living and being we had taken for granted. We may also be asking ourselves just how essential some of our ordinary concerns have been."
#COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #KeepThePHE #Pandemic #SeeYouSafer #PublicHealthEmergency
#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #keepthephe #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency
@PeoplesCDC launches campaign to Keep the Public Health Emergency, asks people to share personal stories about why access to Medicare, Medicaid, free COVID vaccines, tests, and treatment is essential.
Share your story on social media about how you will be impacted using the hashtag “#KeepThePHE.”
#PeoplesCDC #KeepThePHE #COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #CommuniyTransmission #Pandemic #SeeYouSafer #PublicHealth #PublicHealthEmergency
#keepthephe #peoplescdc #COVID19 #covid #LongCovid #communiytransmission #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealth #publichealthemergency
@luckytran @PeoplesCDC launched campaign to Keep the Public Health Emergency, asks people to share personal stories about why access to Medicare, Medicaid, free COVID vaccines, tests, and treatment is essential.
#PeoplesCDC #KeepThePHE #COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #CommuniyTransmission #Pandemic #SeeYouSafer #PublicHealth #PublicHealthEmergency
#peoplescdc #keepthephe #covid19 #covid #LongCovid #communiytransmission #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealth #publichealthemergency