In my latest for @BaltimoreHistories, I explore how: "Enthusiastic Baltimoreans ensured that the first significant architectural monument in the United States would be built in Baltimore. It was also the first-planned monument to America’s first president." #Baltimore #PublicHistory #Memory #Monuments #Maryland
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#baltimore #publichistory #memory #monuments #maryland
As a #PublicHistory nerd, I really should have picked up on Foucault giving Pierre Nora a nod in Surveiller et Punir.
In my latest feature for @BaltimoreHistories, I explore how "Baltimorean women’s suffrage activist Julia Emory was arrested thirty-four times as part of her advocacy for white women’s right to vote in the United States."
#Baltimore #Maryland #PublicHistory #WomensHistory
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#baltimore #maryland #publichistory #womenshistory
JOB: Senior Program Associate in the Public Knowledge program, Mellon Foundation
hybrid: 3 days/week in New York
salary: $135,000-$175,000
work with Patricia Hswe
In my presentation, based on Hayden White's "practical past" and "historical past," I analyzed how TV dramas, comics (mangas), games, etc. on history are public history and the "practical past." I also suggested that there is a need for a "meta #PublicHistory" that analyzes the narrative forms of games and other forms of popular culture. Although the concepts of two "pasts" are useful, I think that they need to be theoretically updated.
Yesterday (August 26), I attended the 15th meeting of the #PublicHistory Research Group (パブリックヒストリー研究会) held at Sophia University, Tokyo. The theme of the meeting was "The Possibility of Reincarnating the Past: Historical Practices in the Production and Reading of Historical Manga Works." As a general introduction, I made a presentation titled "Between 'Historical Fact' and 'Creation': Pop Culture as Historical Practice."
The Freedom to Teach: Confronting Complex Themes in Contested Spaces
Thursday-Sunday, September 28-October 1
in person and online
focus on Florida
Registration open for 34th Conference of Irish Historians/4TH ANNUAL CENTRE FOR PUBLIC HISTORY CONFERENCE #IrishHistory #histodons #PublicHistory
#irishhistory #histodons #publichistory
Nach Blockseminar und Studierendenkonferenz beginnt heute auch für die #PublicHistory an der @unibremen die vorlesungsfreie Zeit. Wir wünschen einen schönen Restsommer!
It’s summertime! Finally!
Heute möchten wir alle #histodons auf das Lehrangebot der #PublicHistory an der @unibremen im Wintersemester 2023/24 aufmerksam machen. Es geht bei uns um #DoingPublicHistory #Archiv und den Erinnerungstag 9. November in #Bremen. Außerdem veranstalten wir zusammen mit der AG Mittelalter ein Blockseminar zur #Stadtgeschichte #Osnabrück Mehr Infos gibt’s auf unserer Website:
#histodons #publichistory #doingpublichistory #archiv #bremen #stadtgeschichte #osnabruck
If you have to concept Public History in a sentence. What would be? / Si tuvieras que definir Historia Pública en una frase, ¿cual sería? #publichistory #historia #history #historiapublica #histodon
#histodon #historiapublica #history #historia #publichistory
Am 100. Todestag des langjährigen Bremer Rabbiners Dr. Leopold Rosenak haben sich Studierende der #PublicHistory auf Spurensuche begeben. Ausgehend von den Lebenserinnerungen seiner Ehefrau Bella haben sie die Geschichte der Familie in Vorträgen und einem Stadtspaziergang als eine lokalhistorische Mikrogeschichte erzählt. Ab heute gibt’s zu diesem Projekt forschenden Lernens an der @unibremen eine eigene Internetseite:
#publichistory #doingpublichistory
Algo de arqueología musical como me gusta llamar. La Historia del rock en Tucumán es algo que debe hacerse, y sobre lo cual me puse manos a la obra. En el trabajo van saliendo grabaciones que hacen al proceso, como ésta: Sombra de la ciudad de Monteros en 1976 / As I like to call, music archeology. The History of rock in Tucuman is something that must to investigate, and that's what I'm on. In the process there are some recordings appearing, like this: Sombra of the city of Monteros at 1976 #rock #publichistory #musichistory #history #historia #historiapublica #tucuman
#tucuman #historiapublica #historia #history #musichistory #publichistory #rock
JOB: Digital Production & Metadata Specialist
at Massachusetts Historical Society (Boston)
$60,000 salary
Work with wonderful Nan Heywood!
I work as the Community Outreach Officer for the Welsh Dictionary of Biography, more collquially called the #Bywgraffiadur, at the #NationalLibraryOfWales. Our goal is to close representational gaps and set the Dictionary on a course of recording the diverse lives of historical Welsh people in all their facets.
Otherwise, I'm working on #WelshWritingInEnglish mostly from the long #C19, so there is lots of overspill into #RomanticLit and #EdwardianLit, #CulturalHeritage and #History of this small nation. Other research interests include #TravelWriting, particularly illustrated accounts and the history of the #VisitorsBook. For recent projects, I've undertaken some #PublicHistory work and community outreach about #PortHeritage, #WW1 German submarine warfare and its effects on Welsh communities.
I share longer #WorkInProgress on my blog:
Toots will be mostly in #English, but occasionally also in #Deutsch and #Cymraeg.
#introduction #bywgraffiadur #NationalLibraryofWales #WelshWritingInEnglish #c19 #romanticlit #EdwardianLit #culturalheritage #history #travelwriting #VisitorsBook #publichistory #portheritage #ww1 #workinprogress #English #Deutsch #cymraeg
My latest for @BaltimoreHistories: "Frank Robinson, Baseball Integration, and the 1966 World Series Champion Baltimore Orioles." I explore how Robinson faced racism and rigid housing discrimination upon arriving in #Baltimore, all while carrying the team to a championship. #PublicHistory #BaseballHistory
Image source:
#baltimore #publichistory #baseballhistory
Well, one of the fun things about being at a #museum / working in #PublicHistory is that I get really neat public inquiries sometimes.
Today, I had one about how #CdnImm officials tested literacy in the 1920s. In the 1919 amendments (and in the Chinese Immigration Act), the language basically talks about immigrants of age having to read a short paragraph - but reading it in other languages was fine, it didn't have to be English or French.
Okay, so far so good.
#museum #publichistory #cdnimm #histodons #immigration
The Canadian #Museum Crossword is now online via colleagues at the Canadian Museum of History!
Just a couple of weeks left before applications close for the 2023-4 MA/Grad Dip in #PublicHistory and #CulturalHeritage programme @UL, beginning online on 11 September 2023.
I'm the Programme Director and happy to answer any questions.
Choose the pathway, full-time or part-time, that suits you. Learn more and apply at:
#publichistory #culturalheritage