Lucy Letby inquiry upgraded to statutory probe to compel witnesses to give evidence under oath | The Independent
Ministers indicate support for statutory inquiry into Lucy Letby killings | Lucy Letby | The Guardian
Global News BC: B.C. MP says she’s yet to hear from RCMP about probe into foreign meddling #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #RCMPforeigninterference #electioninterference #foreigninterference #RCMPInvestigation #ElectionMeddling #ElectionsCanada #foreignmeddling #publicinquiry #kennykwan #Inquiry #Canada #Crime #World #CSIS #RCMP #NDP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #rcmpforeigninterference #electioninterference #foreigninterference #rcmpinvestigation #electionmeddling #electionscanada #foreignmeddling #publicinquiry #kennykwan #inquiry #Canada #crime #world #csis #RCMP #ndp
So in the UK there is a Public Inquiry into the ways our government handled or rather mishandled #Covid, and it may become very interesting, as the wonderful @davidallengreen lays out in this piece
The lies of the #brexiteers well illustrated by that extremist right wing rag the #DailyExpress. They fed this bigoted rubbish 2 the British public 4 year after year, an apology req'd, a #PublicInquiry better still. #Brexit #BrexitDisaster #RejoinEU
#brexiteers #DailyExpress #publicinquiry #brexit #BrexitDisaster #RejoinEU
Let's hope this #ToryGovernment is listening!!
MPs have urged the Gov to launch a #publicinquiry to assess effects of Brexit in a parliamentary debate triggered by a petitionsigned by 183,000
A 3 hour debate was held
#torygovernment #publicinquiry
How do we find out if Essex County Council & Rochford District Council behaved dishonestly!! 🤔🤔
The unnecessary murder of our beautiful Oak by Bloor Homes was certainly a dark episode in Rochford…….😡😡
We demand a public inquiry NOW!!! 🤬🤬
#bloorhomes #treekillers #failed #PublicInquiry
#bloorhomes #treekillers #Failed #publicinquiry
#EmergenciesAct 🧵 - original post Feb 23, 2022
"Things a good #PublicInquiry will reveal:
1) Primarily a policing failure due to antivax police
2) Strong white supremacist connects
3) Heavy American funding that also funded #January6
4) Russian sourcing of disinfo campaign
5) Widespread "Conservative" party complicity
#EmergenciesAct #publicinquiry #January6 #cdnpoli #freedomconvoy
Eustice won’t stand at the next election - way too late for #Geronimo 💔who was never exposed to bTB in New Zealand
#PublicInquiry #Apology
#geronimo #publicinquiry #apology
Britain's Northern Ireland Secretary urged to call for public inquiry into 1998 Omagh bomb | Morning Star
#omagh #publicinquiry #northernireland #ni #northernirelandsecretary #nisecretary
Home Office ignored warnings on diphtheria weeks before Manston outbreak | The Independent
Exclusive: Call for public inquiry after authority warned of ‘severe outcomes’ in processing centres and called for vaccinations
#homeoffice #diptheria #manston #asylumseekers #publicinquiry #ProcessingCentres
#EmergenciesAct #EmergencyAct #PublicInquiry #Democacy #Kudos #Canada
#ConVoy #BorderBlockades - Supposedly about freedom - from vaccines/ #PublicHealthMeasures - Really about #Sedition
@pressprogress @HeatherMoAndCo
#emergenciesact #emergencyact #publicinquiry #democacy #kudos #canada #convoy #borderblockades #publichealthmeasures #sedition
And interesting that he has been making allegations which may land him in hot water:
#publicinquiry #emergenciesact #socalledfreedomconvoy
My goodness the convoy lawyer is a very interesting character...
#publicinquiry #emergenciesact
Petition: We call upon the #UKGovernment to hold a #PublicInquiry into the impact of #Brexit
#ukgovernment #publicinquiry #brexit
#publicinquiry is needed in the Republic of Ireland to put better safeguard's/regulations in place to protect present and future residents.
A public inquiry is taking place in the UK, why is this not happening here?
What happened from 2020 onwards during the Covid pandemic needs to be fully investigated.
Decision's/actions take by the coalition government and other state bodies needs to be looked at.
How nursing homes were managed needs to be investigated, into actions taken and decisions made.
Caroline Mulroney says public inquiry into Ottawa LRT fiasco is not about settling political scores #ottpoli #OttawaLRT #ottnews #OCTranspo #PublicInquiry #Derailment #Ottawa #onpoli
#octranspo #publicinquiry #derailment #ottawa #ottpoli #OttawaLRT #ottnews #onpoli