I've spent my entire career working for commercial sector technology companies. I'm getting the itch to pivot to public interest technology.
It's something I've done on a volunteer basis for years. I think I'd like to make it my vocation. Any suggestions or leads welcome.
#publicinteresttech #civictech
I'm genuinely confused as to why more US cities aren't choosing to use open source software for public data portals? CKAN (https://ckan.org/government ) seems so easy to deploy and maintain, but it looks like only the @CityOfBoston is using it: https://data.boston.gov/dataset
@DecaturNature I haven't read it yet, but it's become canon for the field of #CivicTech aka #PublicInterestTech
If you're interested in learning more about the field, I'd recommend it as introductory text (solely based on positive reviews from peers in my #CivicTech social circles)
Plus, if it's 50% off - that's just a really good deal 😅
#civictech #publicinteresttech
Kudos to @GovernorShapiro for announcing his customer service transformation strategy and establishing the Commonwealth Office of Digital Experience (CODE PA) to streamline the way Pennsylvanians interact with the Commonwealth online!
#civictech #publicinteresttech #governmentdelivery
I'm excited to share a new community for data professionals working in the #PublicSector:
#publicinteresttech #publicsectordata #publicsector
People have no idea how many government agencies have been like "we need a Dominos pizza tracker for people applying to this program"
RT @TheJackForge@twitter.com
The Domino's Pizza tracker has been the best piece of tech released for the past 10 years.
NYC School of Data is HERE! Join us for our annual celebration of municipal data and general nerdery! Get your tickets, childcare, or volunteer! < https://schoolofdata.nyc/ >
#civictech #publicinteresttechnology #publicinteresttech #pitech #opendata
#civictech #publicinteresttechnology #publicinteresttech #pitech #opendata
RT @CodingItForward: When it comes to your career, it's never too late to find your match made in heaven. Our team's Job Drop is the perfect matchmaker. 💘 Discover new #publicinteresttech jobs and internships in our latest newsletter: https://t.co/JU7c2lMbeH
Great read on the role of consultancies and how they inhibit the design and improvement of public services from within.
Consultancies and outsourcers, Mazzucato argues, know less than they claim, cost more than they seem to, and — over the long term — prevent the public sector developing in-house capabilities.”
Via @camerontw
#servicedesign #publicinteresttech #publicinterestdesign
Still, PIF class of 2020 has the highest (I think?) ratio of staying in gov't I've seen of any class. Might be b/c of pandemic.
#civictech #publicinteresttech
RT @SarahSchacht
I’m on a women in tech group, suggested @USDS & @18F to folks who are looking for new roles in tech.
The biggest question: how much do these government roles pay?
Illuminate me, #PublicInterestTech folks. What’s the range/bennies situation?
PS USDS: post salary range in FAQs!
Wir sind schon ganz gespannt! In 2 Tagen beginnt der Bewerbungszeitraum für die 14. Förderrunde. Wir können es kaum erwarten, eure Ideen für #PublicInterestTech zu sehen!
Anyone have an org chart of where digital service teams in Canada or United Kingdom are situated? #civictech #PublicInterestTech
#civictech #publicinteresttech
I have officially switched over to publicinterest.town as my primary mastodon account! Feels good to be in a neighborhood that I'm a part of and helping to actively build - rather than just being a renter in someone else's megacomplex.
#civictech #publicinteresttech #govtech #Govpunk
👋🏻 an overdue #introduction. I’m a designer and strategist currently working to improve government products and services. (A long, long time ago, I used to say “if only asking ‘why’ was a job…” turns out it is!) #Design #DesignResearch #DesignStrategy #ServiceDesign #TransitionDesign #CivicTech #PublicInterestTech #CivicDesign #CivicServiceDesign #PublicInterestDesign #SciComm #SciComms (1/x)
#introduction #design #designresearch #DesignStrategy #servicedesign #transitiondesign #civictech #publicinteresttech #civicdesign #civicservicedesign #publicinterestdesign #scicomm #scicomms
Auch #neuhier und freue mich über Austausch zu #opensource #opendata – folgt mir, wenn ihr mein Reise mit meinem #publicinteresttech Projekt https://mastodon.social/@puinte mitverfolgen wollt.
#neuhier #opensource #opendata #publicinteresttech
#CSS #SQL #research #PublicInterestTech #ComputationalSocialScience #webdev #dataviz
#GenderNonconforming #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #accessibility #BlackLivesMatter #StopAsianHate #vaccinated #COVID19 #BodyPositivity #ClimateChange #athiest
#Twitter #TwitterMigration
#Phoenix #Illinois
#Pokemon #comics #Webtoon #squishmallow #puzzle #Tolkein #Nintendo #tattoo #vgm #vocaloid #DnD
#CoffeeNerds #SpecialtyCoffee #baking #sourdough #foodie
#rabbit #bunny #dog #cat #FosterKitten
#css #sql #research #publicinteresttech #computationalsocialscience #webdev #dataviz #gendernonconforming #chronicillness #mentalhealth #accessibility #blacklivesmatter #StopAsianHate #vaccinated #COVID19 #bodypositivity #climatechange #athiest #twitter #twittermigration #phoenix #illinois #pokemon #comics #webtoon #squishmallow #puzzle #tolkein #nintendo #tattoo #vgm #vocaloid #dnd #coffeenerds #specialtycoffee #baking #sourdough #foodie #rabbit #bunny #dog #cat #fosterkitten
#CSS #SQL #research #PublicInterestTech #ComputationalSocialScience #webdev #dataviz
#GenderNonconforming #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #accessibility #BlackLivesMatter #StopAsianHate #vaccinated #COVID19 #BodyPositivity #ClimateChange #athiest
#Twitter #TwitterMigration
#Phoenix #Illinois
#Pokemon #FoodWars #comics #Webtoon #squishmallow #puzzle #Tolkein #Nintendo #tattoo #vgm #vocaloid
#CoffeeNerds #SpecialtyCoffee #baking #sourdough #foodie
#rabbit #bunny #dog #cat #FosterKitten
#css #sql #research #publicinteresttech #computationalsocialscience #webdev #dataviz #gendernonconforming #chronicillness #mentalhealth #accessibility #blacklivesmatter #StopAsianHate #vaccinated #COVID19 #bodypositivity #climatechange #athiest #twitter #twittermigration #phoenix #illinois #pokemon #foodwars #comics #webtoon #squishmallow #puzzle #tolkein #nintendo #tattoo #vgm #vocaloid #coffeenerds #specialtycoffee #baking #sourdough #foodie #rabbit #bunny #dog #cat #fosterkitten
RT @ssrc_just_tech
This @SSIReview + @FordFoundation series on #PublicInterestTech spotlights some of the most talented technologists, researchers, leaders, & advocates pioneering the #PIT field. Read more to learn how we can ensure tech is built & deployed for good: https://ssir.org/putting_the_public_interest_in_front_of_technology
RT @FordFoundation
What is "the Good Web" and how can it create a shared vision of a future internet grounded in the public interest?
Find out in this piece by @ethanz as part of our #PublicInterestTech series with @SSIReview: https://ssir.org/articles/entry/the_good_web