'Law is a science, not a religion.'
Sometimes (often?), law seems to closer to religion than to science.
đ° Jorge Cardona LLorens, âThe Legal Value of the Views and Interim Measures Adopted by United Nations Treaty Bodiesâ (2019) 23 SYbIL 146, 147
#TreatyBodies #UnitedNations #UN #law #InternationalLaw #PIL #PublicInternationalLaw
#publicinternationallaw #pil #internationallaw #law #un #unitednations #treatybodies
"This altered problematic reveals ... PIL as a fragmented accretion of differentiated communities of practice, existing in a vast normative void full of content, ever increasing content, and an ever-growing assortment of âlegally cognizable materials.â It is more like a legal black holeâan unbearable mass of normative âstuffâ: The elements of law. Undifferentiated law, each of it embodying some unreflected âlawness".
@pil #pil #publicinternationallaw #PoliticalSciences #politicalscience
#politicalscience #politicalsciences #publicinternationallaw #pil
One of my former students liked my Harry Potter paper so much that he and a group of friends translated it into Arabic. That Arabic translation is now being published as a little book :)
My very own, very first, pamphlet!
#pil #publicinternationallaw #PoliticalSciences #politicalscience
#politicalscience #politicalsciences #publicinternationallaw #pil
Really important symposium on classicism in #publicinternationallaw careers over at Opinio Juris at the moment
@PIL @pil #PIL #internationallaw
#publicinternationallaw #pil #internationallaw
Can you imagine living on one third of the cost of a double espresso, for your entire living expenses, per day, wherever you live?
That is not escaping extreme poverty, that is the very definition of extreme poverty.
#pil #publicinternationallaw #PoliticalSciences #politicalscience #humanrights
#humanrights #politicalscience #politicalsciences #publicinternationallaw #pil
Nonetheless, this is USD equivalent *after* purchasing power parity (PPP) calculations. Egypt's current PPP is 4.57 and 2.15 USD 2017 is now 2.61 USD 2022. To statistically escape extreme poverty, an Egyptian needs access to the equivalent of 57 US *cents* per day, that is 11.60 EGP. For comparison, a double espresso costs 35 EGP.
#pil #publicinternationallaw #PoliticalSciences #politicalscience #humanrights
#humanrights #politicalscience #politicalsciences #publicinternationallaw #pil
So I just discovered that the World Bank has adjusted the extreme poverty line from 1.90 USD 2011 to 2.15 USD 2017. This, unusually, represents an increase, albeit a small one, in minimal daily purchasing power. (The CPI conversion for 1.90 USD 2011 is 2.09 USD 2017). Normally these re-evaluations result in actual required purchasing power being reduced - a lowering of the poverty line.
#pil #publicinternationallaw #PoliticalSciences #politicalscience #humanrights
#humanrights #politicalscience #politicalsciences #publicinternationallaw #pil
Is there a way to add #s when you reblog? I don't really understand this space, but I'd love to communicate more on it. The few interactions I have had have all been uplifting.
#pil #publicinternationallaw #PoliticalSciences #politicalscience #lafprofs #mastadon #sociology #sociologists #help
#help #sociologists #sociology #mastadon #lafprofs #politicalscience #politicalsciences #publicinternationallaw #pil #s
Germany?!?! Carry On Fascism? Or: Facism as Farce? But, outside of this Beer Garden Putsch, the actual rise of fascism globally is scary. Neoliberalism is dying, fascist regimes can keep it on life support. For a while. It will not go quietly, and what follows is terrifyingly unknown. Eco-Socialism or Death-Cult Fascism. I want to say the choice is ours, but I don't know if it is anymore.
#pil #publicinternationallaw #PoliticalSciences #politicalscience #humanrights
#humanrights #politicalscience #politicalsciences #publicinternationallaw #pil
"They [Congolese] seem to believe that the
independence of the Republic of the Congo, ⌠means independence also in a substantive sense of the word which is unreal."
Dag Hammarskjold
#pil #publicinternationallaw #PoliticalSciences #politicalscience
#politicalscience #politicalsciences #publicinternationallaw #pil
That is 350,000 premature deaths per week, a million every 3 weeks, 18 million avoidable/inflicted human deaths per year. All at the hands of a global economic regime controlled by the over-developed states who now criticise Qatar for 6,000 workers deaths. The righteous doth protest too much.
#pil #publicinternationallaw #PoliticalSciences #politicalscience #humanrights
#humanrights #politicalscience #politicalsciences #publicinternationallaw #pil
Neoliberalism is dying, but he will not go quietly into that goodnight. Unless something drastic is forced to happen, neo-fascism will sweep to power. But there is no organised left in Western Europe. Without this, and ecological realism, humanity and many other species face their end times. Extinction is inevitable.
#politicalscience #publicinternationallaw #imperialism #sociology #pil
#pil #sociology #imperialism #publicinternationallaw #politicalscience
We have entered a new guilded age. Wealth inequalities have never been greater. We have fascist militaries - army, police, and para - globally; willing (able) to kill to sustain it; en masse if necessary. Discipline and biopower are failing, the masses know the emperor is naked, the wizard has no magic. Yet, revolution is impossible without turning either military (vague possibility) or police (no possibility) to the progressive cause.
#pil #publicinternationallaw #politicalscience
I'm sorry to sound super stupid but. How do you read comments on mastodon? I click on the icon and it does not show me the comments, but invites me to add to them. Not unreasonably, I hope, I'd prefer to read the comments before responding. I am using the android app.
#mastadon #internationallaw #publicinternationallaw #PoliticalSciences #politicalscience #help
#help #politicalscience #politicalsciences #publicinternationallaw #internationallaw #mastadon
Debating the merits and problems of prohibiting harmful traditional practices generally and female genital cutting in particular in class this evening. Captivating discussion and genuinely conflicted students. It was a great class.
#pil #publicinternationallaw #PoliticalSciences #culturalpluralism #culturalimperialism #exception #decisionandresponsibility #liberalism
#liberalism #decisionandresponsibility #exception #culturalimperialism #culturalpluralism #politicalsciences #publicinternationallaw #pil
Adjunct professor position in practice of #humanrights protection at #Brussels School of Governance #jobfairy #PIL #publicinternationallaw #internationalhumanrightslaw #IHRL
#IHRL #internationalhumanrightslaw #publicinternationallaw #PIL #jobfairy #Brussels #humanrights
Hello! Iâm part of the #twittermigration.
My professional interests are #humanrights, #immigrationlaw, #asylumlaw, #migration, #publicinternationallaw, #internationallaw, and #spacelaw.
My hobbies center around #videogames, #ffxiv, #tnr, #cats, #anime, #manga, and #film.
Happy to be here!
#film #manga #anime #cats #tnr #ffxiv #videogames #spacelaw #internationallaw #publicinternationallaw #migration #asylumlaw #immigrationlaw #humanrights #twittermigration