🚀 Getting back into the social groove by sharing a note about the #OER we have launched this week; see this Scholarly Communication Notebook post for more: https://lisoer.wordpress.ncsu.edu/2023/01/09/new-to-the-scn-publishing-values-based-scholarly-communication/
Our process has been truly collaborative and created entirely online; a cross-continental experience bringing joy (plus 💫 and 🦕) during testing times. It's also a resource enriched with the values of #openness #collegiality and #soundness. Much gratitude to all contributors for sharing their examples and the HuMetricsHSS team for inspiring a way to champion #publiclyengagedscholarship
🔗 to the site in bio and a big virtual 🤗 to anyone who joins our HC group! Let's keep the conversation going...
#oer #openness #collegiality #soundness #publiclyengagedscholarship