Yesterday I found myself in a parking area outside a little-known-to-me Victorian mansion which may or may not have allowed an after hours visitor upon its very pretty grounds. Should I have gone down the walk? ... I should have, shouldn't I ...
#publicplaces #downthewalk
The Cities Keeping Their Car-Free Spaces:
“The open streets of the pandemic reclaimed public space for pedestrians and bicyclists. From Bogotá to New York to Stockholm, some of those changes [but to be blunt, not nearly enough of them] have become permanent.” Via Linda Poon in CityLab.
#cities #car #streets #OpenStreets #urbanism #CarFree #transportation #PublicPlaces #cars #city #places
#places #city #cars #publicplaces #transportation #carfree #urbanism #openstreets #streets #car #cities
Masks stick to me - at least indoors like in trains. A lot of my fellow travellers do the same 🙏 #PublicPlaces #thoughtfulness #LongCovidSucks
#publicplaces #thoughtfulness #LongCovidSucks
"In June Mike Dank & Naveen Albert started #PhilTel — a phone collective that would convert old #donated #Payphones into free working phones using coinless #circuitboards rewired to connect through the #internet. #Libraries, #artspaces, #soupkitchens, #communitycenters — I can think of lots of #publicplaces that would #benefit, Dank said."
#philtel #donated #PayPhones #circuitboards #internet #libraries #artspaces #soupkitchens #communitycenters #publicplaces #benefit
A little #introduction
I’m an #artist
I live in #losangeles
Things I’m interested in:
I like to show my work in #publicplaces
But also in #museums and #artgalleries
I make #bigart and little #trinkets
Any given day I have #noideawhatimdoing
#introduction #artist #losangeles #publicArt #culturejamming #linguistics #makingthings #poetry #antiracism #anticapitalism #antiimperialism #decolonization #publicplaces #museums #artgalleries #bigart #trinkets #noideawhatimdoing
#Anger at ‘#irresponsible’ #Christmas sales of #eScooters #banned on #UK #roads | #Transport | The Guardian
Big-name #retailers are #marketing the #popular mode of transport, despite use of privately owned models being banned in #publicPlaces.
#anger #irresponsible #christmas #escooters #banned #uk #roads #transport #retailers #marketing #popular #publicplaces
பொதுஇடங்கள், நிறுவனங்கள், மால்கள், கடைகளில் முகக்கவசம் கட்டாயம்! சென்னை மாநகராட்சி உத்தரவு… via
#ChennaiCorporation #MaskUp #Masks #mandatory #Malls #publicplaces
#publicplaces #malls #mandatory #masks #MaskUp #chennaicorporation