Until it's enshrined in rock-solid legislation that #PublicServices and #PublicProperty cannot be seized and sold (to themselves and their mates) by future #governments then what's the fucking point?
#governments #publicproperty #publicservices
Thanks to #virginiabeach City Council last night! We look forward to working with you and city staff on an appropriate encroachment policy.
#virginiabeach #publicproperty
Thanks to #virginiabeach City Council last night! We look forward to working with you and city staff on an appropriate encroachment policy.
#virginiabeach #publicproperty
அக்னிபாத்துக்கு எதிரான போராட்டத்தினால் 60 ரயில் பெட்டிகள் எரிந்து நாசம் – ரூ.170 கோடி இழப்பு! https://patrikai.com/60-train-carriages-burnt-down-and-rs-170-crore-worth-asset-loss-due-to-protest-against-agnipath/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#AgnipathProtests #Agnipath #RailwayStation #Train #IndianRailways #PublicProperty #railway #property
#property #railway #publicproperty #indianrailways #train #railwaystation #Agnipath #AgnipathProtests