Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) [USGS]
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H/T @Anthro #GIS #spatial #mapping #coastal #storm #modeling #CoSMoS #model #spatialanalysis #extremeweather #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #prediction #hindcast #mitigation #planning #climate #climatechange #naturalhazard #emergencyresponse #emergencypreparedness #emergencymanagement #risk #hazard #publicsafety #stormdamage #stormsurge #stormpreparedness #flood #flooding #coastalflooding #remotesensing #hydrospatial #water #hydrology #hydrography #topobathy #SLR #sealevelrise #urbanplanning
#gis #spatial #mapping #coastal #storm #modeling #cosmos #model #spatialanalysis #extremeweather #spatiotemporal #prediction #hindcast #mitigation #planning #climate #climatechange #naturalhazard #emergencyresponse #emergencypreparedness #emergencymanagement #risk #hazard #publicsafety #stormdamage #stormsurge #stormpreparedness #flood #flooding #coastalflooding #remotesensing #hydrospatial #water #hydrology #hydrography #topobathy #slr #sealevelrise #urbanplanning
Why is S.F. experiencing a plague of car break-ins, where criminals smash windows and grab the contents? A newspaper examines potential reasons and concludes that, for the time being, this is a “low-risk, high-reward” crime. The answer, then, is for police and prosecutors to raise the costs for criminals. #publicsafety
How much responsibility does a police chief bear for the rise or fall of violence in her city? A Philly news organization looks at the tenure of chiefs back to the 1990s … and basically offers a shrug. After all, social forces and just plain luck play roles. But if chiefs concentrate on good management, innovative and effective strategies and constant collaboration with others … luck bends in their direction. #publicsafety
“Where are these conflicts coming from?” The greatest innovations ahead for #publicsafety probably lie in the field of violence prevention and mediation. That is, seeing violence as it gets started and flooding the area with people skilled in heading it off. This requires those who are good at data and pattern recognition … backed up by a team with credibility and people skills. Here’s a 101 on this emerging field.
@nigelparrish "I’ve lived here all my life and the speed limit was always 30mph. People would shoot through. Since it’s been 20mph it’s been brilliant. The roads are quieter and safer for everyone, including my six grandchildren. It takes an extra 40 seconds to travel from one end of the village to the other. If 40 seconds will save a life it’s well worth it" #publicsafety #20isplenty #safestreets
#publicsafety #20isplenty #safestreets
Flood Protection Based On Historical Records Is Flawed – We Need A Risk Model Fit For Climate Change
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #water #hydrospatial #hydrology #flood #flooding #model #modeling #planning #mitigation #naturalhazard #humanimpacts #climatechange #extremeweather #regulations #prediction #floodengineering #floodrisk #floodriskassessment #assessment #risk #hazard #riskassessment #floodmanagement #floodprotection #floodsafety #publicsafety #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #weatherforecast #climatechangesolutions #climateadaptation
#gis #spatial #mapping #water #hydrospatial #hydrology #flood #flooding #model #modeling #planning #mitigation #naturalhazard #humanimpacts #climatechange #extremeweather #regulations #prediction #floodengineering #floodrisk #floodriskassessment #assessment #risk #hazard #riskassessment #floodmanagement #floodprotection #floodsafety #publicsafety #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #WeatherForecast #climatechangesolutions #climateadaptation
Federal judge #DavidEzra ruled Wed. that #Texas must remove border buoys placed along #RioGrande by Friday, Sept 15. The judge additionally barred Texas & Governor #GregAbbott from putting up any new blockades.
In his order, the judge wrote, “The Court also find Texas's conduct irreparably harms the #PublicSafety, navigation, & operations of federal agency officials in & around the Rio Grande….The balance of the equities and #PublicInterest each favor an injunction.”
#davidezra #texas #riogrande #gregabbott #publicsafety #publicinterest
Mayors have been on the receiving end of criticism from governors and legislators during the rise of gun violence that began before the pandemic … and then escalated sharply. Now they are sending their own message: that state leaders must do something to stem the flood of guns. In GA 46 mayors from cities, suburbs and small towns signed a letter asking for gun control laws. #publicsafety
Some people are born to be criminals, but most who break the law do so because … well, at the moment, it beats the alternatives. Smart #publicsafety officials know this and aim to raise the opportunity costs of crime. Right now, the crime of opportunity in S.F. is smashing windows of cars and grabbing their contents. Cops there have a plan for making this … a little less appealing.
USGS Study Estimating A Monetary Value For Floodplain Ecosystem Services In The Chesapeake Bay And Delaware River Watersheds
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #flood #flooding #floodinnundation #innundation #extremeweather #climatechange #watersheds #floodengineering #floodplains #nutrients #sediments #sedimentation #fluvial #soils #erosion #floodwaters #agriculture #farming #economics #accounting #mitigation #tradeoffs #management #landforms #geomorphology #ecosystems #publicsafety #communityhealth #appliedscience #water #hydrology #benefits #benefitstransfer #regulation #quantification #value #loss #lossanddamage #lossadjusting #Hazus #ChesapeakeBay #DelawareRiver
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #flood #flooding #floodinnundation #innundation #extremeweather #climatechange #watersheds #floodengineering #floodplains #nutrients #sediments #sedimentation #fluvial #soils #erosion #floodwaters #agriculture #farming #economics #accounting #mitigation #tradeoffs #management #landforms #geomorphology #ecosystems #publicsafety #communityhealth #appliedscience #water #hydrology #benefits #benefitstransfer #regulation #quantification #value #loss #LossAndDamage #lossadjusting #hazus #ChesapeakeBay #delawareriver
I was asked to make my copy of the #HICPAC meeting #public in case #CDC takes theirs down again. Sorry for the delay--but here it is! #InfectionPreventionAndControl
#PublicHealth #PublicSafety #Healthcare
#hicpac #public #cdc #infectionpreventionandcontrol #publichealth #publicsafety #Healthcare
Traffic camera systems that detect speeders, photograph plates and mail tickets to offenders fall into predictable political divides. In this case, it’s #publicsafety vs #equity and Big Brother vs efficiency. But what if we’re thinking about these devices the wrong way? Maybe, one observer says, we should be using traffic cameras to “nudge” motorists toward better behavior rather than punish those who stray.
Speaking of negative #externalities, what should gov’ts do when they discover a new one? One way is to take a page from the federal Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972 and study the problem, work with manufacturers on solutions, regulate the bad actors and certify the good ones. We see parts of this playbook as NYC tries stop batteries in e-bikes and e-scooters from setting off deadly fires. #publicsafety
More folks getting tossed out of the #TNleg in #Nashville for valuing children more than guns. 🤔 👉
Governor #BillDeathLee getting more than he bargained for in the #SpecialSession on #PublicSafety !
#tnleg #nashville #billdeathlee #specialsession #publicsafety
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,with subject "Maui Wildfire Recovery". Support services provided gratis.
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#mauifires #mauiwildfires #dronesforgood #publicsafety #disasterrecovery #gis #dronetechnology #dronephotography
Theta Informatics stands ready to assist with Maui Wildfire recovery efforts.
Our free software, #OpenAthena for Android, allows a precise ground location to be obtained from any point in an image taken by common #drones. This may be useful for quickly marking damaged buildings, structures, and infrastructure from aerial images taken by drones.
#Maui #mauifires #mauiwildfires #dronesforgood #publicsafety #disasterrecovery #gis #dronetechnology #dronephotography
#openathena #drones #maui #mauifires #mauiwildfires #dronesforgood #publicsafety #disasterrecovery #gis #dronetechnology #dronephotography
GIS Powers Innovative Action Among State And Local Governments
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #stategovernment #localauthorities #localgov #localgovernment #localgovernments #government #governmentagencies #usecase #appliedscience #appliedtechnology #examples #publicsafety #publichealth #water #hydrology #waterresources #disasterriskreduction #disasterresponse #watermanagement #wildfire #wildfireresponse #wildfiremitigation #naturalhazard #planning #urbanplanning #transportation #infrastructure #community #communityplanning #communityhealth #taxpayers #taxpayerservices #spatialanalysis #environment #ecosystems #climatechange
#gis #spatial #mapping #StateGovernment #localauthorities #localgov #localgovernment #localgovernments #government #governmentagencies #usecase #appliedscience #appliedtechnology #examples #publicsafety #publichealth #water #hydrology #waterresources #DisasterRiskReduction #disasterresponse #watermanagement #wildfire #wildfireresponse #wildfiremitigation #naturalhazard #planning #urbanplanning #transportation #infrastructure #community #communityplanning #communityhealth #taxpayers #taxpayerservices #spatialanalysis #Environment #ecosystems #climatechange
“We provide people with the things they need”: Like most complex urban issues, #publicsafety cannot be answered by gov’t alone. The police need partners, especially those at the neighborhood level. There is one neighborhood in Detroit that has a remarkable record in combatting gun violence. Its secret: a church that finds and helps people in need. #neighborhoods
One reason many residents stay home during Monterey Peninsula's "Car Week" (Aug 11-20): Speeding drivers. Monterey Police Department reported people driving at speeds of 94mph and 87mph the past two days in Lighthouse Ave tunnel (where limit is 40mph, TMK
#BikeTooter #BikeMonterey #Monterey #Carmel #PebbleBeach #Seaside #MontereyPeninsula #TrafficSafety #transportation #VisionZero #PublicSafety #LawEnforcement
#BikeTooter #BikeMonterey #monterey #carmel #pebblebeach #seaside #montereypeninsula #trafficsafety #transportation #visionzero #publicsafety #lawenforcement
Who needs short wave #radio?
"No cell phones, no phones, no internet. So what we think is, they did not get the #evacuation notice."
#wildfires #PublicSafety #Telecommunications #Canada #NWT #Kakisa #ShortWave
#radio #evacuation #wildfires #publicsafety #telecommunications #canada #nwt #kakisa #shortwave