@amydiehl Similar situation with #education & #PublicSchoolBoards who make key decisions about education, including approval of which textbooks are used - or not used. These people are not #educators, they have no training or degrees in education. Theyโre plumbers, accountants, bus drivers, dentists or mechanics; elected community members making critical decisions abt your children's education. Howโs this brilliant idea working for us?
#tennessee #Pennsylvania #Florida #Texas #BookBans #Educators #publicschoolboards #Education
-Similar to #LaGrange #ABMinEd re #Covid19 #outbreaks in schools- *These things happen* -yup, in this case cuz of her refusal to encourage #AB #PublicSchoolBoards to reinstate #MaskMandates & the supporting of the too-early removal of them.
#Con #deflection from any #Responsibility for when awful things happen, especially when it*s mainly their fault for refusing to fulfill their #Responsibilities in the 1st case.๐คฌ
#lagrange #abmined #covid19 #outbreaks #ab #publicschoolboards #maskmandates #con #deflection #responsibility #responsibilities