Critics of the research paper opine that it never underwent peer review, as it landed on social media and entered the political discourse. Observers and experts have pointed out that the economist should have expected public scrutiny and should have been ready for questions before quitting.
#AshokaUniversityRow #Das #PublicScrutiny #ResearchPaper #Polls #Say
#ashokauniversityrow #das #publicscrutiny #researchpaper #polls #say
How the British #RoyalFamily hides its #wealth from #PublicScrutiny -
#taxdodgingparasites #publicscrutiny #wealth #royalfamily
#Police in #England and #Wales ‘evading #PublicScrutiny’ by deleting misconduct outcomes from websites - #PoliceCorruption
#policecorruption #publicscrutiny #wales #england #police
Official misconduct in gas markets gouging consumers i.e #RegulatoryCapture at the #CaPUC: Spot market #transactions in #NaturalGas are shielded from #PublicScrutiny. Comparable #electricity #transactions, by contrast, were made #public after #Enron traders took advantage of #deregulation to loot California. Now every electricity trade on the spot market is published, deterring such #misconduct.
#regulatorycapture #capuc #transactions #naturalgas #publicscrutiny #electricity #public #Enron #deregulation #misconduct