I don’t know if I was the only one who was not aware, but, just in case: the two-factor authentication app Authy is not only for mobile, but is also available for desktops! And if you set a backup password, you can access your tokens everywhere!
#psa #publicserviceannoucement #authy #2fa
A Compilation Of People Running Into Things/Falling/Crashing While Texting http://geekologie.com/2017/07/a-compilation-of-people-running.php #somepeoplejustwerentmadeformulti-tasking #publicserviceannoucement #smartphonesdumbpeople #crashingintothings #donttextanddrive #hurtingyourself #compilation #safetyfirst #safetylast #accidents #falling #texting #walking #woopsie #video #ouch #psa
#somepeoplejustwerentmadeformulti #publicserviceannoucement #smartphonesdumbpeople #crashingintothings #donttextanddrive #hurtingyourself #compilation #safetyfirst #safetylast #accidents #falling #texting #walking #woopsie #video #ouch #psa