Danny Redwoods · @DannyRedwoods
75 followers · 87 posts · Server mastodon.social
tursiops · @tursiops
875 followers · 1044 posts · Server tooting.ch

l'INR soit l'Institut du numérique responsable m'a invité a leurs AG et sur quoi ça se passe? Teams! Fucking teams! Je veux dire je veux bien faire des efforts mais il y a des limites! Dans la liste des trucs pas du tout responsable il y a teams en premier même avant zoom! Donc envoyer de l'amour a l'INR pour les faire changer d'avis car moi on m'écoute pas. institutnr-ch.org/


Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
86 followers · 13753 posts · Server masthead.social

| Is the SAME as - ?? You be the Judge! 2018 * Tracking Movements 24/7 * Facial Recognition Instead of Boarding Passes. * Digital . Government uses Facial Recognition for . * -are you your right to for free bells and whistles! * uses to..


Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic .

#Recogition #facial #walmart #facebook #privacy #exchanging #Autotagging #publicshaming #china #PoliceLineups #Airline #consent #without #fingerprinting #facialrecognition #big_tech

Last updated 3 years ago

Without meaning to generalise Islamic folk seem really switched on. The govt is supposed to be an embodiment of ThePeople but USA is another thing entirely, and noone can blame them for strongly disliking it.

Re Vominoes, could work. A that explains, 'global pizza franchise in area disrespects privacy and forces online fiat payments, as independent citizen I shame them, here's n alternatives".

You might get a free pizza for your troubles.
@harding @FreePietje

#publicshaming #flyer

Last updated 4 years ago