The long walk. Throw back to a spontaneous public suiting thing I did w/ Nev 1 like 10 years ago. Friends at the time from a hobby group kinda dared me to do it and it was 5 degrees out so the deed was done, but hey they had nice cameras (at the time) so I got good pics and I was the smart one because temps for me were perfect in there 😜
✂️ - @theamazingkodi
#fursuiter #fursuit #fursuitanyday #mascot #fursuiting #fursuiters #publicsuiting #kodimade #foxfursuit #throwbackthursday
#fursuiter #fursuit #fursuitanyday #mascot #fursuiting #fursuiters #publicsuiting #kodimade #foxfursuit #throwbackthursday
The last guy wanted that fursuit hug XD #furry #fursuitfriday #publicsuiting #publicfursuiting #fursuit #Lionfurry #bycats4cats
#furry #fursuitfriday #publicsuiting #publicfursuiting #fursuit #lionfurry #bycats4cats