Vamos con otro #viernesdeescritorio
y de paso instalando #publii, que no se de que voy a escribir si yo no se de nada, pero tenía ganas de probarlo 😆
I got rid of #WordPress in one of my websites. I made an export file and imported to #Publii. It needed few iterations to import correctly by editing the export file. Most changes were simple search&replaces.
The new, converted site is fully static and worry-free. WordPress sites need constant vigilance while Publii-generated site just work, needing no maintenance. Publii is wonderful! It's open source and free to use.
TBH it’s possible that #publii is the best option. I’m just a bit annoyed about messing around with theming more complicated than I need.
It seems that wanting a static site generator that just adds a header and footer to your content on demand without having to learn a bunch of stuff is a no-go. Or at least I can’t find one.
Closest I’ve found to what I want is #Publii but it’s got a lot I don’t need. I can make my own themes, I just want a way to auto add my header/footer.
Does anyone have suggestions? It would need to generate on my computer as what I’m using it for only allows html/css/js. #StaticSite #Coding #Websites
#publii #staticsite #coding #websites
Absolut korrekt! Leider habe ich noch keine Kraft gehabt, mich an die Stelle des Templates vorzuwagen, an welcher ich das SVG und den Code einfügen könnte. #Publii ist zwar toll, aber an manchen Stellen eher was für Programmierer.
@vkc For a personal web site/blog I think a static site creator is at least a good start point. If the site grows I can always dive into a CMS when I need to, once I understand what I really need. I’ve just recently built a wee site using Publii and really enjoyed it. #publii
Finally moved my blog from #WordPress to static, which has been on my to-do list forever. Silly for me to maintain and pay for a WordPress server when I make maybe one post a year 🙃
Hard to pick a generator between all the options. I went with #Publii and I'm liking it. Can import from WordPress, has markdown + WYSIWYG, supports deployments to many platforms, and performs very well.
My blog:
GitHub repo:
If you have a custom web domain, but don't want to fork out a ton of money to get email hosting, consider Forward Email . Free or $3 a month with additional security option.
This coupled with #githubpages and #publii and you have a super low cost web hosting solution.
@krishooper Liked #Publii a lot, but ended up using #Squarespace again – to me, it provides more flexibility. Nevertheless, I think #Publii is definitely the better choice if you really want to *own* your content in an independent way, which is still something I’m struggling with in that context. The usual static site generators all seem to focus more on text centric content and were no option.
For the past while, I've been giving #publii a whirl for my #blog that's hosted over on #githubages. Publii's been great, don't get me wrong, but I've been thinking about going super minimal and creating my own with bash.
Favorite new #website #CMS : #publii
After spending too much time hacking a site together with #hugo and just hating the friction required to create new posts, I stumbled across Publii. Downloaded the Deb onto my ubtunu based distribution (also available on Mac and windows), and I threw a site together in just a few hours. Best of all it is #free and #opensource !
First pass...
#website #cms #publii #hugo #free #opensource
I'm looking for a software recommendation.
I'd like to write more, but 1 stumbling block is the tooling of #Pelican (or most SSGs).
Is there any desktop app that works like #Publii that I can just open, write my content and it will push using my existing Pelican theme?
#pelican #publii #ssg #staticsite
Really really liking #Publii as an alternative to #WordPress
Best part is it’s open-source software
What platform are you using for your #photography #portfolio these days?
I'm presently on #Format (too expensive but nice gallery), am investigating #Publii and #Hugo (#ssg), and recently participated in the beta for Those are my leading candidates at the moment. Others? It has to have a good gallery experience.
#photography #portfolio #format #publii #hugo #ssg
In dem neuen Podcast Orange 🟠 vom LMZ BW stellen wir die Medienentwicklung der Silberbergschule Bahlingen vor.
Vielleicht ist das ein oder andere hilfreich für #schulleitung
Das #FediLZ ehemals #twlz hat auch große Anteile daran, dass es so gut läuft 😊
#Grundschule #ReferenzschuleBW #edubw #nextcloud #TaskCards #publii #hyfeeNC #SchulmanagerOnline
#schulleitung #FediLZ #twlz #grundschule #referenzschulebw #edubw #nextcloud #TaskCards #publii #HyfeeNC #SchulmanagerOnline
I use #publii SSG which is a local CMS that produces (and uploads) generated static sites.
Themes are accessible, responsive, light and beautiful. There are no cookies by default, this no annoying cookie banners. But support is built-in in case you start adding extensions that may generate a cookie.
@tommi @eleventy
My Love - Publii CMS
Mit Publii CMS werden statische, sichere und leicht zu behergergende Webseiten zum Kinderspiel mit grafischer Oberfläche, wo dafür früher praktisch ausnahmslos komplizierte Kommandozeilentools wie Hugo vonnöten waren.
#cms #publii #webseiten #linux
Updated theme for my mostly #StableDiffusion blog :)
#stablediffusion #aiart #blog #publii #selfhosting