RT @PaulHoskisson
Publishing one article in a @MicrobioSoc journal generates the revenue to give grants to four #ECR members to attend our Annual conference -when do you last publish in one of our journals? #microbio23 #PublishingForTheCommunity
#ECR #microbio23 #publishingforthecommunity
RT @MicrobioSoc
Thank you for attending day one of #Microbio23! Annual Conference is only possible due to the revenue and content in our journals. Learn more about #PublishingForTheCommunity on our website: http://microb.io/PublishingForTheCommunity
#microbio23 #publishingforthecommunity
RT @PaulHoskisson
Do you have a #Microbiology manuscript looking for a home?@MicrobioSoc journals cover the breadth of Microbiology and we are always happy to receive submissions https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/ Publishing with us helps to support #ECRs and your community #PublishingForTheCommunity
#microbiology #ecrs #publishingforthecommunity