Has anybody tried using Libervia as a bridge between XMPP and ActivityPub? I'm thinking about giving it a try so I can following people on the ActivityPub side from my Movim instance. It doesn't look all that straight forward to setup, though, so it's probably going to be a big time sink as I troubleshoot it while setting it up.
#libervia #xmpp #activitypub #pubsub #movim
Cool that #Cloudflare have their own #PubSub software and instance
Tried to subscribe to @radar but I'm getting an 'eternal hourglass' where I usually see a follow/unfollow icon.
Do you know if that's a problem on my side, or on the #cloudflare instance side? Or how to find out?
Has anyone successfully used the pubsub emulator with webapplicationfactory integration tests? It feels like it is struggling with the SubscriberClients subscribing/stopping between webapplication restarts. Switching to pubsub has completely stiffled developer happiness on our project. :'(
#csharp #pubsub #dotnet #dotnet6 #integrationtesting
#csharp #pubsub #dotnet #dotnet6 #integrationtesting
Amazon SNS announces support for setting content-type request headers for HTTP/S notifications 👉 Create a DeliveryPolicy that specifies the content-type value, such as application/json, application/xml, or text/plain https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2023/03/amazon-sns-content-type-request-headers-http-s-notifications/ #AWS #PubSub
I spent almost $150 at Publix last night. We got a lot of stuff, but not nearly as much as I would have gotten at Walmart. Which is a shame, of course. But we got a lot of stuff we don't normally get, like a #pubsub, sushi, and random vegan stuff we wanted to try.
The February #syslog_ng newsetter is now available on-line:
- Version 4.0 of syslog-ng available
- Feeding events with syslog-ng PE to #Azure Event Hub and #Google #PubSub
- syslog-ng 101
- Compiling syslog-ng git snapshots on #FreeBSD
#syslog_ng #azure #google #pubsub #freebsd
#quine #gopher #CommonLisp #question (s)
I juiced up my eve quine (now just a quine in that she implements the 'MAKE-LOAD-FORM generic) class with pubsub and class-cloning superclasses
and I'm not sure if I remember how to do an in-lisp-image #pubsub . I ended up having a :shared allocation weak-hash-table and iterating over it to find someone in particular's children.
@ldbeth @mhcat @svetlyak40wt @galdor how to do CLOS pubsub?
#quine #gopher #commonlisp #question #pubsub
@Aires @somebodys_alt
(Legit though I will drive out of my way to go to #Publix, drive right past the SubWay to go walk all the way to the deli and get me that #PubSub!)
After lunch a talk on the state of #PubSub is held.
Pre-notes: https://pad.nixnet.services/#Lighting-Talk-State-of-Pubsub-Improvements-and-What-to-Do-Now
Chat via xmpp:summit@muc.xmpp.org?join
#openstandards #opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #rtc #jabber #europe #standards
#xmpp #brussels #pubsub #openstandards #opensource #decentralisation #interoperability #rtc #jabber #europe #standards
RT @xmpp
#XMPP Summit at #Brussels
We plan to discuss the topics in the following order:
1. #Push
2. #Spaces
3. MAM
4. MUC
5. IN-NG
6. #Jingle / #WebRTC
7. Disco
8. #PubSub
9. NL/EU
10. XMPP Providers
11. #Communications
12. ATM
Join the chat via xmpp:summit@muc.xmpp.org?join
#xmpp #Brussels #push #spaces #jingle #webrtc #pubsub #communications
We plan to discuss the topics in the following order:
1. #Push
2. #Spaces
3. MAM
4. MUC
5. IN-NG
6. #Jingle / #WebRTC
7. Disco
8. #PubSub
9. NL/EU
10. XMPP Providers
11. #Communications
12. ATM
Join the chat via xmpp:summit@muc.xmpp.org?join
#xmpp #brussels #push #spaces #jingle #webrtc #pubsub #communications
I'm going to try to articulate a problem to which I have no ready proposed solution, but rather a questionable suggestion. Additionally, I haven't looked into any literature that might exist for this problem, largely because I haven't seen any overlap in the discussions surrounding the topic spaces themselves. I hope I am missing something!
The rest of this thread will be unlisted.
Topics: #LinkedData #SemanticWeb #PubSub
#linkeddata #semanticweb #pubsub
fpubsub@v1.0.0 – PubSub implementation in JavaScript for being used in functional programming approach. Types/TypeScript supported. Production ready.
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/fpubsub
- https://github.com/jaandrle/fpubsub
#webdev #javascript #typescript #reactiveProgramming #functionalProgramming #pubSub
#webdev #javascript #typescript #reactiveprogramming #functionalprogramming #pubsub
I'm going to #FOSDEM this year at the end.
No talk this time, but I'll be happy to meet and talk to anybody interested in talking about #Libervia, #XMPP, The #ActivityPub <=> XMPP gateway, #Pubsub #e2e #encryption or anything related (or not?).
I'll should be at the Realtime Lounge (K level 1 group A) often, but I'll also be attending some talks and walking around, so please ping me here of on xmpp:libervia@jabberfr.org?join chat room to arrange a meeting/demo if you want.
#fosdem #libervia #xmpp #activitypub #pubsub #e2e #encryption
fpubsub@v0.9.4 RC – PubSub implementation in JavaScript for being used in functional programming approach. Types/TypeScript supported.
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/fpubsub
- https://github.com/jaandrle/fpubsub
…for 100% production-ready, wait to v1.0.0.
#webdev #javascript #typescript #reactiveProgramming #functionalProgramming #pubSub
#webdev #javascript #typescript #reactiveprogramming #functionalprogramming #pubsub
fpubsub – PubSub implementatio in JavaScript
“This is the JavaScript implementation of the PubSub pattern in JavaScript for beeing used in functional programming approach.”
Important: beta/non-production yet, sugesstions/critique
#webdev #javascript #typescript #reactiveProgramming #functionalProgramming #pubSub
#webdev #javascript #typescript #reactiveprogramming #functionalprogramming #pubsub
ICYM: "" Using #Azure Web #PubSub and #WebSockets for multi user XR experiences with #MRTK3" #Unity #HoloLens https://localjoost.github.io/Using-Azure-Web-PubSub-and-WebSockets-for-multi-user-XR-experiences-with-MRTK3/
#hololens #unity #mrtk3 #websockets #pubsub #azure
Well I need to clean up the code a lot, but there it is. The Google Status Traffic Light, which displays a color for all network related incidents globally, is here playing the "roulette" game on my mqtt server.
Last year we made a change to push this all over Cloud Pubsub (to be more inclusive of the hyrbid workplace, and to be less reliant on a janky python bot no one else can modify except the people who own the big trafficlight and solari board hardware).
It's just a matter of visualizing this data now. For the curious, it's "Red Yellow Green (Secret)". Secret is a field I added, which for more rich visualization mediums than a literal trafficlight is kind of a secret code we can all have fun with.
#silly #pubsub #mqtt #ops #sre #rustlang
2/2 i did get to test out my hypothesis though that bulk of the disk usage post deletions would be from transaction logs.
eventually, they came up with a better solution which is to no longer delete and just use PubSub or add a handler to write queries over to the new instance, keeping the old and new in sync for new jobs until we can move to the new one.
i was SO happy because i would never have thought of that myself! today, collaboration is magic ✨
#pubsub #neo4j #devlife #webdev