@happyborg @atomicpoet The real solution to the problem of commercialization of the Internet (of which the problem of #SocialMedia is a subproblem) is to de-illegalize #ReverseEngineering (or repeal what the PR types prefer to call #AntiCircumvention). Interoperability that requires permission is by definition not #AdversarialInteroperability.
#socialmedia #reverseengineering #anticircumvention #adversarialinteroperability #pubwan #InformationAsymmetry
@jimcarroll What we need is an internet of #nonproprietary things. Either that or a non-internet of air-gapped things. #pubwan
@rory @ola #Privacy and #secrecy are examples of confidentiality. That is what they have in common. In every other respect they are the opposite. When individuals enjoy confidentiality, that's privacy. When institutions (government, business, etc.) do, that's secrecy. High secrecy and low privacy means extreme #InformationAsymmetry, and individuals being at a severe informational disadvantage.
#privacy #secrecy #InformationAsymmetry #pubwan
@ndporter @adam42smith What I'd like to know is, is there a way to share more #data for #AcademicResearch and simultaneously less data for #MarketResearch? #pubwan
#data #academicresearch #marketresearch #pubwan
@jsamwrites @atomicpoet A public square (by definition) cannot be part of the private sector. Thanks for specifying transparent and open source. We need to do for #data what #OpenSource has done for code. #pubwan
For that matter, imagine a comparable centralized directory of all employers, which you can robustly sort and filter based on compensation or benefits or working conditions...
All the informational skunkworks (public and private both) need to be disassembled. #pubwan #CovertCobbling
It's hard to find things relevant to me because I have to settle for a search engine instead of a simple database of all the product offerings in the consumer market. If "tech" cared about relevance, it'd create that database, not ever more adware malware. #pubwan
@lashman @feditips I have two pet projects, #anagorism and #pubwan. These terms refer to #nonmarket #anarchism, and #nonproprietary #database #technology, respectively. As far as I know, I'm the only person using these #hashtags, but I would be delighted if others were to use these hashtags to explore these topics.
#anagorism #pubwan #nonmarket #anarchism #nonproprietary #database #technology #hashtags
I say "noncommercial," or "nonproprietary" if I want to be more specific #pubwan
@pluralistic This is very #pubwan praxis. I'll learn what I can about ASINs.
#Privacy is not the same thing as #secrecy. The latter applies to institutions, while the former applies to individuals. Privacy is a worthy, but lost, cause. It is becoming impossible for technological reasons, and I don’t think it is possible for policy (or social norms) to trump technology. #ExtremeTransparency in some form is inevitable. The nightmare that is well worth guarding against is that extreme #transparency should take an “asymmetric” form. #pubwan
#privacy #secrecy #ExtremeTransparency #transparency #pubwan
@bsmall2 @CobaltVelvet Perhaps. I'm not a huge fan of the invisible hand, either. I advocate uncloaking the invisible hand through a combination of crowdsourced data collection and relentless reverse engineering. #pubwan
#introduction I'm a graduate student of applied mathematics at Wayne State University, #Detroit, #Michigan, #USA. I approve of #nonproprietary technology and #OpenData.
#introduction #detroit #michigan #usa #nonproprietary #opendata #pubwan #anagorism
@thoughtshrapnel I like the idea of someone outside the retail trade (or their "data partners") getting to mine POS #data, but of course not the authorities, that would probably be worse. I imagine a crowdsourced effort, with the raw data in the public domain, i.e. #pubwan. Raises privacy concerns, sure, but hell, I'd opt in, if reasonably anonymized. Knowledge is power, especially in the hands of the many.
@alxd btw if there are any storytellers who want an idea for a fictional narrative on citizen science I humbly offer #pubwan as a citizen science project concept. https://scratchpad.fandom.com/wiki/Pubwan