(Addendum) (58/54?)
How did I not find this cover by the *inimitable* Puddles Pity Party in my original Creep rabbit hole deep-dive?!
#PuddlesPityParty #SadClown #Creep #Radiohead #cover #covers #CoverSongs
#puddlespityparty #sadclown #creep #radiohead #cover #covers #coversongs
@Kitty pulled "favourite remakes" as a theme for this weeks #TuneTuesday from her tin, proposed by @Esoteria, thank you both.
Let's start with the Postmodern Jukebox interpretation of Mad World (Tears for Fears)
#puddlespityparty #haleyreinhart #postmodernjukebox #music #tunetuesday
@Kitty pulled "favourite remakes" as a theme for this weeks #TuneTuesday from her tin, proposed by @Esoteria, thank you both.
Let's start with the Postmodern Jukebox interpretation of Mad Word (Tears for Fears)
#puddlespityparty #haleyreinhart #postmodernjukebox #music #tunetuesday
I am working on a Julia Perry thing and listening to Puddles Pity Party sing a bunch of covers and it's sublime. #JuliaPerry #MusicTheory #Musicology #PuddlesPityParty
#juliaperry #musictheory #musicology #puddlespityparty
I am working on a Julia Perry thing and listening to a Puddles Pity Party sing a bunch of covers and it's sublime. #JuliaPerry #MusicTheory #Musicology #PuddlesPityParty
#juliaperry #musictheory #musicology #puddlespityparty
The incredible Puddles Pity Party was on the JoCo Cruise this year, and I got to take some pictures! 📷
More albums soon, as I work through my backlog 😃
#jococruise #puddlespityparty #photography
I’ll be 48 this year. This song was released in 1999 when I was a mere baby of 24. The truly startling/sobering thing to me is not only much I love #puddlespityparty take on it but also realizing he is probably right around my age. Also, #postmodernjukebox is always a delight. #blink182 #GenXsounds #GenXRockOldeSchool https://youtu.be/6ZoyCSffM7I
#genxrockoldeschool #genxsounds #blink182 #postmodernjukebox #puddlespityparty
I love Puddles!
Watch "Puddles Pity Party - WAR PIGS (Black Sabbath Cover)" on YouTube
#warpigs #puddlespityparty #blacksabbath #coversongs
Other favorites:
Louis Cole, "I'm Tight"
Viagra Boys, "Just Like You"
Steam Powered Giraffe, "Bad Days on the Horizon"
Postmodern Jukebox & Puddles Pity Party, "Royals"
Pomplamoose, "Get That Body Back"
Nick Lutsko, "Spirit Halloween" trilogy
#LouisCole #ViagraBoys #SteamPoweredGiraffe #PostmodernJukebox #PuddlesPityParty #Pomplamoose #NickLutsko
#NickLutsko #pomplamoose #puddlespityparty #postmodernjukebox #steampoweredgiraffe #ViagraBoys #LouisCole
Crikey! John Lewis using #PuddlesPityParty version of All the small things in their #ChristmasAdvert - #Groovy
#groovy #christmasadvert #puddlespityparty
#fragmentpuzzle Das war im letzten Sommer. Ein Versuch. Try and error.
Und viel Geduld. Auf Papier und 1 x digital. Mein Modell: #puddlespityparty 👑
Die Ergebnisse gefallen mir immer noch, vielleicht mache ich da noch bisschen weiter, mit anderen Modellen/Vorlagen.
#puddlespityparty #fragmentpuzzle
Das liebe ich ganz besonders - so eine schöne Arbeit! ❤️
Die blank #funkopop mit Sculpey zu modellieren und und nach dem Backen in feiner Manier zu bemalen.
#puddlespityparty - im weissen Original, der Black Suit Old School Puddles, auch paar seiner in den Streaming Shows verwendeten Kostüm Accessoires.
Durch die laufende Tour neu hinzu gekommen: #piffthemagicdragon
#piffthemagicdragon #puddlespityparty #funkopop
In diesem „Gebäudeteil“ von Masi bin wg. der Kunst. Mich gibt es auch noch woanders. 😊
Parallel zum Bauen von Schamanentrommeln und Rasseln mit Häuten & Fellen von 🇨🇭Tierwesen plus Equiment, begann ich - inspiriert von der Stimme von #puddlespityparty - wieder mit dem Malen. Natürlich bin ich ein Bünzli und kleinflächig detailverliebt. 🙄😎
Total eingerostet und verschüchtert erste Versuche mit Stone dotting, im nächsten Schritt dann Konfigurieren und Bemalen von Funko Pops. 😍