@prahou 😂😅😂😅😂😅
Fear not, oh great #Puffy !. There's room for all of us in our collective apocalypse!
For as long as we #RUNBSD there will always be hope! 🤗
( I know what you did there and I couldn't thank you enough for it!. )
My most sincere, honest and heart felt hug! 🤗
I feel _honoured_ 🤗❤🤗
#youtube_otonanoYouTubeChannel #EPIC #エピック #Epicレコード #EPIC_45 #THE_LIVE_IS_ALIVE #45周年 #シャネルズ #一風堂 #佐野元春 #MODS #STREET_SLIDERS #大江千里 #ラウロ #STELLA_SCOUGH #CLASS_NOTES #三波春夫 #トニー谷 #細川たかし #大澤誉志幸 #TM_NETWORK #渡辺美里 #ラッツ_スター #バービーボーイズ #小比類巻かほる #松岡英明 #岡村靖幸 #エレファントカシマシ #Puffy #JUDY_AND_MARY #元ちとせ #アンジェラ_アキ #otonano #ウェブマガジンotonano #ウェブマガジン #無料会員登録制 #ウェブで読める #おとな #音楽誌 #マガジン #magazine #無料記事 #70年代 #80年代 #ソニーミュージック #ソニー #SONY
#youtube_otonanoyoutubechannel #epic #エピック #epicレコード #epic_45 #the_live_is_alive #45周年 #シャネルズ #一風堂 #佐野元春 #mods #street_sliders #大江千里 #ラウロ #stella_scough #class_notes #三波春夫 #トニー谷 #細川たかし #大澤誉志幸 #tm_network #渡辺美里 #ラッツ_スター #バービーボーイズ #小比類巻かほる #松岡英明 #岡村靖幸 #エレファントカシマシ #puffy #judy_and_mary #元ちとせ #アンジェラ_アキ #otonano #ウェブマガジンotonano #ウェブマガジン #無料会員登録制 #ウェブで読める #おとな #音楽誌 #マガジン #magazine #無料記事 #70年代 #80年代 #ソニーミュージック #ソニー #sony
Okay, who says that geeks can't have style too? Well, I'm not so sure about this one, but it IS kinda funny as a concept. 😀⌨️
But would I buy it? No. It's funny to look at tho!
(BTW, I've seen this posted before at other places)
Oddity Central: This Keyboard-Inspired Puffer Jacket Can Be Yours for $623
#fashion #style #geek #keyboard #jacket #puffy
Just a bonus angle, I'll add it to the OG post as well. I'm going to try re-rigging Shelby's tail thanks to @iorarua for finding a cool method to use! Will update with a little animation if I'm successful :)
Edit: Added the actual image lol
#3d #loli #shota #handsy #puffy #pussy
@CaptJerkpants made another puffy piece featuring the Persona girl Ann. You know I love the puff so I had to color it in.
Original Image and all credits go to CaptJerkPants
Hi Rez version here:
I am back from my long weekend and it's with Guild Wars 2. It has been a long time since we had a full 10/10 group for raids, let's not hype it up too much though ;)
💨 Streaming Guild Wars 2 on https://www.twitch.tv/Toxic_Ally
#streaming #live #twitch #guildwars2 #gw2 #pve #raids #static #puffy #jacket #gaming #smallstreamer #gamergirl
#streaming #live #twitch #guildwars2 #gw2 #pve #raids #static #puffy #jacket #gaming #smallstreamer #gamergirl
@stefano I started to use #FreeBSD with version 6 if I remember well. My very first usage was to build a router (Pentium 2 350 MHz) and I get strange errors with IPCop setup. So I install pfSense (FreeBSD based) and it worked like a charm. So FreeBSD has been an evidence when I wanted to use a Windows replacement on my computer. Handbook is well written and it helped me a lot to begin (and it still helps me).
Community helped me to start on official forums and mailing lists.
I often test other Linux distros by I always come back to FreeBSD (no offense #penguins friends 🤗).
I also gave a try a few years ago to #OpenBSD and it was a pleasure to use it.
#FreeBSD #Beastie #Puffy
#freebsd #penguins #openbsd #beastie #puffy
PinUp mini series [3/??] This time it’s 2 in 1! I really loved making this one, hope you enjoy :catto_blush:
loli lolicon #toddler #toddlercon #tlh #theloudhouse #incest #r34 #r18 #nude #naked #cute #kawaii #porn #pinup #tiny #puffy #pussy #tits #flat #breasts #boobs #nsfw #tights #french #kiss #nickelodeon #parody #fanart #lola #lana #lesbians #toys
#toddler #toddlercon #tlh #theloudhouse #incest #r34 #r18 #nude #naked #cute #kawaii #porn #pinup #tiny #puffy #pussy #tits #flat #breasts #boobs #nsfw #tights #french #kiss #nickelodeon #parody #fanart #lola #lana #lesbians #toys
PinUp mini series [3/??] This time it’s 2 in 1! I really loved making this one, hope you enjoy :soraphant_rabbit:
loli lolicon #toddler #toddlercon #tlh #theloudhouse #incest #r34 #r18 #nude #naked #cute #kawaii #porn #pinup #tiny #puffy #pussy #tits #flat #breasts #boobs #nsfw #tights #french #kiss #nickelodeon #parody #fanart #lola #lana #lesbians
#lesbians #lana #lola #fanart #parody #nickelodeon #kiss #french #tights #nsfw #boobs #breasts #flat #tits #pussy #puffy #tiny #pinup #porn #kawaii #cute #naked #nude #r18 #r34 #incest #theloudhouse #tlh #toddlercon #toddler
is a #curious slavic #word for #horseplay
which encapsulates the #ambivalence
of rough-and-tumble
A Japanese toy with not dissimiliar instructional #intension
are the #Kamifusen – colorful small glassine-paper balls,
whose principial #way to getting #prim and #puffy is to be given
a good #pummeling
Or so the #MujiMujiks #think #visitors, who upon crossing the #gallery threshold step into a #stormy
scenography of mutiple micro-#catastrophes, #teapot tempest #bursting into #bloom
#curious #word #horseplay #ambivalence #intension #kamifusen #way #prim #puffy #pummeling #mujimujiks #think #visitors #gallery #stormy #catastrophes #teapot #bursting #bloom