Great posterblitz by @torgedellert at #PuG2023. Visit his poster about auditory consciousness!
Socially Anxious Avoid Gaze, Don’t They?
We investigated the effect of #socialanxiety on attention 👀 and autonomic measures🫀 in naturalistic social situations.
Drop by at today’s #PuG2023 postersession (Poster: 262) for a discussion on naturalistic study designs in #socialneuroscience and how to interpret and integrate results of those studies and of „classical lab studies“.
See you there! 🤓
#socialanxiety #pug2023 #socialneuroscience
Are there any #PuG2023 attendees here? I'm on my way to #Tübingen. Let me know if you are Interested in (open label) #placebo effects or in going for a #run in Tübingen the next days. I'm looking forward to the conference and, for now, looking forward to a "homeoffice" day in a #train through the alps.
#train #run #placebo #tubingen #pug2023
Of course the best symposia are Saturday morning after the party evening 😂
RT @PuG2023
Our program at #PuG2023 is online 🥳
Check it out here:
RT @PuG2023
Our program at #PuG2023 is online 🥳
Check it out here:
Come and discuss with us in Tübingen at the #PuG2023
Wir laden alle Interessierten herzlich ein, zu unserer @PuG2023 Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema "Gute Arbeitsbedingungen in der Wissenschaft" zu kommen! Mit @AmreiBahr von #ichbinhanna, @PschorrSimon als Experte für das #WissZeitVG, Christian Merz von der @bioDGPs_DGPA
#pug2023 #IchbinHanna #wisszeitvg
Looking forward to our symposium on promoters and hurdles of prosocial behavior at #PuG2023 🙌together with @mrtnwss and our great speakers @jonasnitschke, @LPollerhoff, David S. Stolz, & Gabriele Bellucci! See you in beautiful Tübingen☀️
@DGPs_JuMis @bioDGPs_DGPA
Additional info re: #PuG2023: there will again be a buddy program organized by early career researchers! While registering for the conference, you can tick a box to become a mentor or mentee for this year's PuG. 1/2
First time at #PuG2023? Make sure to sign up for the buddy program organized by the @DGPs_JuMis !
Additional info re: #PuG2023: there will again be a buddy program organized by early career researchers! While registering for the conference, you can tick a box to become a mentor or mentee for this year's PuG. 1/2
RT @SaulinAnne
First time at #PuG2023? Make sure to sign up for the buddy program organized by the @DGPs_JuMis !
RT @PuG2023
Psychologie und Gehirn 2023 | 08. - 10. June 2023
Our website is online! Check it out:
Registration is open NOW and we are very much looking forward to your symposium and poster submissions!
RT @PuG2023
Psychologie und Gehirn 2023 | 08. - 10. June 2023
Our website is online! Check it out:
Registration is open NOW and we are very much looking forward to your symposium and poster submissions!
RT @PuG2023
Psychologie und Gehirn 2023 | 08. - 10. June 2023
Our website is online! Check it out:
Registration is open NOW and we are very much looking forward to your symposium and poster submissions!
I'm proud to announce that the website for the PuG 2023 is online! #PuG2023
Register now and stay tuned for what is to come!