beeindruckende Doku zur #verantwortung von #wissenschaft
Joseph #Rotblat #Pugwash #Atomwaffen #Atombombe #HBombe #Proliferation #Abrüstung #6Aug #Oppenheimer
#verantwortung #wissenschaft #rotblat #pugwash #atomwaffen #atombombe #hbombe #proliferation #abrustung #6aug #Oppenheimer
Leading scientists, technologists, philosophers, ethicists, and humanitarians from every continent must come together to secure a broad agreement on a framework for governing AI that can win support at the local, national, and global levels.
Almost exactly 66 years ago, 22 preeminent scientists from ten countries, including the United States and the Soviet Union, gathered in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, to identify the dangers that nuclear weapons posed
Con todo lo de #Oppenheimer, vale la pena recordar a Józef Rotblat, el único físico que dejó el proyecto Manhattan cuando vio que continuaba a pesar de que la bomba atómica ya no era necesaria para detener a los nazis (ni la guerra en general). Después estaría involucrado en la conferencia #Pugwash para detener la proliferación nuclear.
International Student/Young #Pugwash (ISYP), a global and interdisciplinary network of students and young professionals concerned with the interface of #science, #technology, society and #ethics.
I'll be in conversation with ISYP members about my book and work on global #hibakusha issues in an online event this Tuesday.
"On the basis of extensive research, including oral histories in over 20 radiation-affected communities, Bo reveals the many ripple effects from #nuclear production, testing, and disasters. He connects these seemingly distinct legacies into one comprehensive global history of a slow-motion nuclear war.
In order to better understand this framing and delve into particular case studies, #ISYP convenes a discussion event with Bo Jacobs on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 11 am GMT / 7 am EST / 8 pm JST."
#EnvHist @histodons @sts #ColdWar
#pugwash #science #technology #ethics #hibakusha #nuclear #isyp #envhist #coldwar
I'll have an online discussion of global hibakusha issues and my work with International Student/Young Pugwash (based in Germany) next Tuesday on Zoom.
From the event promo:
"The Japanese term ‘hibakusha’ commonly refers to the people affected by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. It roughly translates to ‘people affected by the bomb’.
In his book 'Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha', Robert (Bo) Jacobs broadens the term – conceptually and geographically."
Join and share, especially with students.
#Pugwash #IYSP #nuclear #Germany @histodons @nuclearhumanities #InternationalStudents
#pugwash #iysp #nuclear #germany #internationalstudents
Online event
I'll be participating in a discussion with members of International Student / Young Pugwash later this month on my book *Nuclear Bodies* and nuclear issues broadly.
Time: Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 11 am GMT / 7 am EST / 8 pm JST.
Learn more and register to join the Zoom event at the link below.
#nuclear #Pugwash #NuclearPower #NuclearWeapon #ColdWar #NuclearWaste @histodons @nuclearhumanities @sts
#nuclear #pugwash #nuclearpower #nuclearweapon #coldwar #NuclearWaste
Going to check out the Christmas market in #pugwash today! Haven't had a reason to visit until now. Hope to get some decorations for my new tree