Did you know that so-called "Jaywalking" laws with stiff fines in the U.S. were passed by and for wealthy people who could afford automobiles and who didn't want the Riff-Raff crossing intersections in front of them on foot?
Tell me again how the U.S.A. is the greatest country in the world.
@willbaude An utterly absurd conclusion, so par for the course. #strawman #whataboutism #puhlease
#strawman #whataboutism #puhlease
uhm…. they have a pill for this.
It’s called a probiotic
This particular writer makes me really mad #disingenuous #falseParadigm #whataboutism
You know what causes #inflammation & screws up your #microbiome for months on end? #sarscov2 #puhlease 🙄
#disingenuous #falseparadigm #whataboutism #inflammation #microbiome #sarscov2 #puhlease