I just created my second PR for #GodotEngine. This time it's related to BPM - it adds functions to get the current beat, bar and progressin the current beat/ bar, along with signals that are emitted on each beat and bar to AudioStreamPlayer[2D/3D].
Still need to figure out where the signals should be emitted from.
You can try it out with the attached example project and give me feedback on the GDScript API or what you would like to see!
#godotengine #pullrequest #opensource
The 11 Types Of Toxic Pull Requests (According To 4.5 Million Code Branches). After reviewing millions of PRs, we've found the 11 that are dragging down your engineering team.
#softwareengineering #pullrequest
Published on YouTube: Those #github #pullrequest s need to be small or i am out! #developer #programminghumor #techtok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeQ0eAbnklo
#github #pullrequest #developer #programminghumor #techtok
Blogged: Gaming the pull request review system
#software #github #pullrequest
Publier le code source ne suffit pas… https://framablog.org/2023/04/17/publier-le-code-source-ne-suffit-pas/ #Enjeuxdunumérique #Droitsnumériques #Algorithmwatch #Traductions #Kayser-Bril #pullrequest #codesource #opensource #Twitter #Ukraine #Spaces #CNAF
#enjeuxdunumerique #droitsnumeriques #algorithmwatch #traductions #kayser #pullrequest #codesource #opensource #twitter #ukraine #spaces #cnaf
8 #PullRequest aujourd'hui pour améliorer / corriger l'UI/UX de #Nextcloud. Je suis en forme 🙂 #LogicielsLibres #OpenSource
👋 ❤️ @nextcloud
#opensource #logicielslibres #nextcloud #pullrequest
8 #PullRequest aujourd'hui pour améliorer / corriger l'UI/UX de #Nextcloud. Je suis en forme 🙂 #LogicielsLibres #OpenSource
👋 ❤️ @nextcloud
#opensource #logicielslibres #nextcloud #pullrequest
8 #PullRequest ce matin pour améliorer / corriger l'UI/UX de #Nextcloud. Je suis en forme 🙂 #LogicielsLibres #OpenSource
👋 ❤️ @nextcloud
#opensource #logicielslibres #nextcloud #pullrequest
5 #PullRequest ce matin pour améliorer / corriger l'UI/UX de #Nextcloud. Je suis en forme 🙂 #LogicielsLibres #OpenSource
👋 ❤️ @Nextclouders @NextcloudFR
#opensource #logicielslibres #nextcloud #pullrequest
5 #PullRequest ce matin pour améliorer / corriger l'UI/UX de #Nextcloud. Je suis en forme 🙂
#LogicielsLibres #OpenSource
#opensource #logicielslibres #nextcloud #pullrequest
We have a date when the registration will be opened:
🗓️ 1st May 2023
🚨 Sponsors are still needed
And as usual you will be able to register for the event with a #pullRequest ...
with the community
by the community
for the community
🤔 Cette sensation particulière que les contributeurs aux #LogicielsLibres connaissent bien, vous savez, ce plaisir d'apporter sa pierre à l'édifice, de collaborer en bonne intelligence.
C'est un luxe inaccessible dans le monde du logiciel privateur. Perso, je ne fais pas de gros développements, loin de là, mais je fais petites corrections et évolutions de l'UI de #Nextcloud, et, quand une de mes #PullRequest est #merged, mon taux de dopamine monte en flèche 🥰 #OpenSource #GitHub
I ❤️ @nextcloud
#github #opensource #merged #pullrequest #nextcloud #logicielslibres
@orhun there are webhooks for PR checks and status changes, e.g. https://docs.github.com/webhooks-and-events/webhooks/webhook-events-and-payloads#status
Does that fit any of what you're after?
There's also the Slack integration: https://slack.github.com/
#pullrequest #github #webhooks
Sometimes, you need a less than flattering #review on your #pullrequest to bring yourself down to earth and find a better implementation that you and your #team can live with. Whiz bang #clever scripts that work are nice. #Boring scripts that work and can be #maintained by more people than just yourself are better. But the #failed #experiments are staying, just moved out of the way, so we can #learn from them.
#learn #experiments #failed #maintained #boring #clever #team #pullrequest #review
If you're checking your #pullrequest description on #grammarly it means that:
1. you don't trust your English skills very much
2. you care about your colleagues because you want them to really understand what you did
3. you care about your future self, same reason
4. your PR is a bit too big
Some work to do on a couple of points, but you're doing very good on the caring side! Keep it up!
I was so annoyed to scroll over extremely long posts in #Moshidon, so I'm adding a feature, which will truncate posts. #pullrequest is opened in @megalodon repo: https://github.com/sk22/megalodon/pull/396 (for now as a draft).
#MastoDev #mastodonapps #megalodon #pullrequest #moshidon
I just added an enhancement to one of my main work-related workflows, merged it into my main branch, and successfully tested it on my first try. 🏆
It wasn't a major update, although I'm proud of myself for getting it done, and handling the #PullRequest too. Yay me!
Now if I can just figure out how to write actual #PyTest tests and use those consistently ... 🤔
#pullrequest #pytest #python #smallcodesteps