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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: 'Concerning' CT scans may cause unnecessary hospitalization for some #pulmonaryembolism patients @umich @jamanetworkopen
I had a #PulmonaryEmbolism back in September which included a #CardiacTroponin of 4000 or so and some nasty #CorPulmonale so now I'm hanging out waiting for an echo which will hopefully show complete resolution of this dumb think.
#AMA right!
#pulmonaryembolism #cardiactroponin #corpulmonale #ama
After being laid up with flu, watch out for blood clots. This wasn't something I was thinking of and it almost killed me.
Symptoms: swelled leg, pains in chest. Finally went to doctors and an emergency hospital visit saved the day.
Now on anticoagulants for 6 months.
We are all busy but be aware.
#flu #BloodClots #swelling #chestpain #pulmonaryembolism #deepveinthrombosis #anticoagulant
Ramping Up Male Hormones Can Be Deadly: Best Of: May, 2021
Taking extra testosterone can double a man’s risk of dangerous leg blood clots, and that risk is tripled if he is younger than 65. #testosterone #DVT #bloodclot #pulmonaryembolism
#testosterone #dvt #bloodclot #pulmonaryembolism
a great writer, supporter of LQBTQ+ rights and women's sports, and of soccer died - #GrantWahl. The bird space is howling that he was murdered by the Qatari at the #worldCUp for his politics. Except his own description of symptoms totally mirrors my own when I nearly died from #PulmonaryEmbolism. #PE iis the single biggest Drop 'em in their tracks killer of healthy people. I fully expect the bird blowback against me to be massive. They like the drama.
#grantwahl #WorldCup #pulmonaryembolism #PE
Clifton, #Bristol really is hilly! Needed a fair few sit-downs, legs-up.
Legs buzzing, feet kept feeling like lead-weights, minor leg-collapses, heavy arms, numb hands, SpO2 dropping into the 80s...
#COVID19 #LongCovid #PulmonaryEmbolism #GullainBarreSyndrome ?
#bristol #COVID19 #LongCovid #pulmonaryembolism #gullainbarresyndrome
At least 45 per 1000 infected with #COVID19, regardless of age, gender, race, and pre-existing conditions, experience serious cardiovascular consequences, including widespread #BloodCots. This may seem small, but that's millions of us!
#COVID19 #bloodcots #pulmonaryembolism
#Introduction #Introductions
From #Orlando #FL. Married with 3 Children and a dog. University of Florida Alum (#UF #Gators). Handle #IT for a small company. #PulmonaryEmbolism Survivor (barely). (He/Him)
#Books (#SciFi #Fantasy #Fiction #NonFiction Anything)
#Music (All kinds: #Rush #MilesDavis #JohnnyCash #Khruangbin #MountainGoats)
#Sports (#GoGators #LiverpoolFC #LFC #YNWA #OrlandoSC #Rowing)
#rowing #bbq #beer #coffee #fountainpens #yoyo #manga #comics #ologies #science #orlandosc #ynwa #lfc #liverpoolfc #GoGators #sports #mountaingoats #khruangbin #johnnycash #milesdavis #rush #music #nonfiction #fiction #fantasy #scifi #books #pulmonaryembolism #it #gators #uf #fl #orlando #introductions #introduction