New on my blog: #DeckReview: "Pulp Tarot"
#Tarot #PulpTarot #ItinerantLibrarian #reviews #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #witch
#witch #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #reviews #ItinerantLibrarian #pulptarot #tarot #DeckReview
Things have been brutal recently, but now it's time to take a moment to breathe and see how far you've come. Don't let your fears control where you go in the future.
I'm still loving this deck!
I saw this deck here and fell in love. I can't wait to use it in more detailed spreads.
Finding the gifts hidden in the darkness can help you change your path.
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Four of Cups.
Issue of trust, who can you trust in a moment full of con men and other cheats? It may be safer to turn away. Intuition tells you an offer is not right. Keep moving.
Deck used: Pulp Tarot.
#pagan #divination #cartomancy #pulptarot #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: Five of Pentacles.
A time to tighten the belt, batten down the hatches. Keep that wallet closed, cut back on anything not essential. If you don't have to spend, don't. Draw on reserves only if absolutely necessary.
Deck used: Pulp Tarot.
#pagan #divination #cartomancy #pulptarot #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Two of Swords.
Do your best to decide fairly and in good faith. You may need to feel your way forward here based on what you have and is available. This is where experience favors you. Be as impartial as possible.
Deck used: Pulp Tarot.
#pagan #divination #cartomancy #pulptarot #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: King of Swords.
Rely on your experience and wisdom to read a room and see the signs. If you need to use sharp words do so, but otherwise stay calm, listen, let others talk while you complete your plans.
Deck used: King of Swords.
#pagan #divination #cartomancy #pulptarot #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Five of Pentacles.
You may not be able to do it all yourself, so be ready and willing to ask for needed help. Folks are willing and receptive, but you do need to take the initiative and ask.
Deck used: Pulp Tarot.
#pagan #divination #cartomancy #pulptarot #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: Three of Cups.
Need to get something done? Get some collaborators. Communication is good now, so bring the minds together, listen to each other, pool resources, get it done. And after, take time to celebrate the good.
Deck used: Pulp Tarot.
#pagan #divination #cartomancy #pulptarot #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: King of Pentacles.
Work to maintain stability and growth, so keep up with knowledge in your field and apply what you learn. Your works speak for you, so no need to bring attention to yourself.
Deck used: Pulp Tarot.
#pagan #divination #cartomancy #pulptarot #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: Queen of Swords.
Evaluate your progress, keep what works, cut out the rest. To do this, be honest with yourself, objective. Keep it real.
Deck used: Pulp Tarot.
#pagan #divination #cartomancy #pulptarot #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Nine of Cups.
Once you free yourself from overcomplicating things and restrictions, you'll find your path gets easier. Once the storm passes, better times come. So raise that glass, celebrate what is good.
Deck used: Pulp Tarot.
#Tarot card of evening: Eight of Swords.
You may feel restricted, but consider how much of it may be self-imposed. Seek calm, quiet, reflection, and break those bonds. You may be overthinking, making things harder than they are. Simplify as much as you can.
Deck used: Pulp Tarot.
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Page of Wands.
Some new creative ideas call, but you need to get moving first. Find the motivation to make the move then follow your inspiration and passion.
Deck used: Pulp Tarot.
#pagan #divination #cartomancy #pulptarot #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: Eight of Cups.
There is something you really need to release. Stop overthinking it, stop losing sleep over it. Cut the loses, move on already. You know it is the right thing to do.
Deck used: Pulp Tarot.
#pagan #divination #cartomancy #pulptarot #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Eight of Cups.
Most likely you need to walk away from some deal, a team, an endeavor. You may have put work in it, your heart in, but something isn't right, or it's not working out. Better to walk away now.
Deck used: Pulp Tarot.
#pagan #divination #cartomancy #pulptarot #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: The Moon-XVIII.
Note of caution as not all may be as it seems. Remain extremely vigilant. If intuition tells you to wait, wait. If you feel it's not right, it probably isn't.
Deck used: Pulp Tarot.
#pagan #divination #cartomancy #pulptarot #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Page of Pentacles.
Good time to start a new investment, be it financial or material such as personal and/or professional development. Ground is cleared, so plant your seeds now.
Deck used: Pulp Tarot.
#pagan #divination #cartomancy #pulptarot #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: King of Wands.
Go forward with confidence for you got plenty of inspiration and drive at this time. Burn off any excess energy in a constructive way. Good time to work on something creative.
Deck used: Pulp Tarot.
#pagan #divination #cartomancy #pulptarot #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Two of Swords.
If you don't have all the facts, then wait until you do. Weigh facts fairly once you have them. Seek to be impartial.
Deck used: Pulp Tarot.
#pagan #divination #cartomancy #pulptarot #tarot